CP candidate links currently available

Day 4,329, 06:25 Published in USA USA by Hcmadman legione astra equitum

Date: 6:30 Day 4329
By: Hcmadman
For: SFP Newswire

Primary Poll Link: http://sfp-erep.forumotion.com/t1475-cp-primary-sept-2019

The three declared CP candidates are all vying for SFP nomination, with such a rare occurrence, questions should be asked of these prospective candidates.
Should interest prove high enough a debate may even be organized.

The media and discussion links for the various candidates shall be compiled here:


No discussion or article currently available, stand by for possible updates.

Max Planck:

Forum discussion.

Newspaper article.


Forum discussion.

Newspaper article #1.

Newspaper article #2.