Country President candidature

Day 1,141, 15:53 Published in New Zealand New Zealand by kurojca

I wanted to announce that that I will be running for president of eNew Zealand, although most of you already knew that I find it an act of courtesy to do it formally. I will also try to be as as possible so lets cut to the point. As far as my plans are concerned they remain the same as the first day of this countries existence - I plan on continuing the work of uniting NZ into one strong community with our diversities as our strength. I don't know if we are ever going to become the best, but I would be quite happy if we simply managed to provoke the best in us and reach our maximum as a country. As much as it sounds trashy, I do have a dream, a dream of uniting and defeating the will for power that lies in all of us. We can create something great here, we only need to set ourselves in second place.

In military sector things finally started to roll nicely and once the DC run-up with a bit more activity and communication I believe we will not have any troubles in that area, and I would like to ask all of you to join NZDF once again This is especially important because we are planning acquirement of some new regions/resources.

Except new regions that can bring new bonuses, our economy will need some working on but the key issue there will still remain the lack of employees, especially with the expansion of NZDF private sector will suffer workers shortage even more. Until NZ creates a baby boom this issue will exist and it is going to be quite delicate matter to find the right balance of tax policy, but not impossible.

As far as foreign affairs are concerned we will still try to maintain neutrality and avoid any major alliance for now, while continue to interact and create new relations with other countries, especially neighbouring ones, so that we could make some deals for the mutual benefit in future.

I was extremely busy in real life recently and could not find more time, but in case that I win I will publish another article with more detailed plans and a goverment lineup. I also want use this opportunity to wish the best of luck to other candidates. That's it for now, thanks for reading, and of course vote for me 😛