Counter Revolutionary HQ Discovered

Day 1,113, 20:18 Published in USA USA by PigInZen
Joe Newton Reveals Location in IRC Channel

Informant Confirms Location to Subcommandante PigInZen

I have inside knowledge from a loyal citizen of Frost's America who has bravely riskied poltical purity and acted as a double agent, spying for the Revolucion on the Counterrevolutionaries' activities. In a personal message he indeed confirmed that the Libertarian leadership and many counterrevolutionary sympathizers have relocated to Florida to further plan their anti-citizen activities.

This Citizen is a hero to the People. I will refrain from revealing any identity as this Citizen is still actively reporting information to the People.

Not the actual informant, any resemblance to Citizens of Frost's America is purely coincidental.

Purported HQ Under Attack; Revolutionary Guards Ready to Storm Building

Bears striking resemblance to Saddam's son's house...

Thanks to diligent work by devoted servants of the People and its Revolucion, the location of the Couner Revolution HQ has been discovered. In an active program designed to data mine the conversations that occur in obscure IRC channels, members of Grand Inquisitor Onishi's Purity Squad overheard a discussion between notorious counterrevolutionary Joe Newton and Vanek26, another sympathizer. Vanek26, aware that the Grand Inquisitor was preparing to have him relocated to a re-education camp for political purification, was desperately pleading with Joe Newton for assistance.

"Come join me in Florida." Joe replied.

Within moments the Purity Squad notified the People's Internal Security Center which dispatched local units of the Revolutionary Guard to the scene of the purported hideout. Numerous warnings were given to surrender to which a voice from inside screamed "Change your own damn kitty litter!" An anti-tank missile was judged to be the appropriate response. Frost's America Internal Security Personnel were, at last report, waiting for the all clear signal to enter the building. Whether any actual high-profile members of the politically impure were present is unknown.

Make no mistake, Commandante Frost and the brave Citizens that protect the Revolucion will prevail. Frost's America and her Citizens demand no less.

All political impurity will be re-educated or stamped out.

E Pluribus Unum. From Many, One.

¡Viva la Revolucion!
¡Viva la Frost!
¡Viva Frost's America!

Join or die. E Pluribus Unum.