Cottus opens up a can of Chuck Norris on eBrasil

Day 755, 16:58 Published in Brazil Australia by Cottus Arci

Well... hello eBrasil, allow me to introduce myself... I'm Cottus Arci. I'm the guy who got eAustralia to side with the Brolliance and reunited eAustralia through EDEN taking back eWA.

You could say, if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't even have this war with eAustralia and a possibility at sticking this rather cool pedobear flag into eAustralian soil.

So now that I have your attention and even perhaps a minor debt to repay, I ask just one thing - pay attention to what I'm saying and adhere to it.

As you know, the country you just declared war with is eAustralia. No hard feelings, of course! It's a game and may the best country win, right?

Read that again...

"May the best country win".

And again...

"May the best country win".

The operative world being...


Let's get this straight.

We're not Spain.

We're not USA.

We're not Romania.

We're a new nation to you in terms of war. We have no bad blood or history of bad relations. This war began with a clean slate. So when you attempt to fight dirty, by voting up false articles - it only makes you look on an international stage as the bad guys.

Remember - we're not anyone you've fought with before, and you have no-one to blame/excuse for these articles. I don't care who did it first, whether it be an MA, NA, ATLANTIS, PEACE or EDEN member at the time who started it.

I don't care, and no-one else does in eAustralia.

So play fair, or eBrasil will simply look like this guy to eAustralia.
Your call.

With love and tenderness,

P.S. Are these guys Brazilian? I think the one in the middle is Cavalcanti!