CoT-TWO war and consequences [Srb/Eng]

Day 2,018, 03:09 Published in Slovakia Slovakia by Robert E.Lee 1861

English translation is down

Ovaj rat me je probudio i naterao da napišem nešto o ovom globalnom dogadjaju.
Dakle počelo je,mnogi su predvidjali nekolicina nije verovala u ovakav ishod.
Mislim da je kritični momenat yapravo bilo rušenje Edena i dovodjenje USA u CoT-sporedno.
Trka u naoružanju nas je dovela do ovde i ne treba nikoga kriviti za to,ova igra funkcioniše na ratovanju tako da svako,prikriveno ili otvoreno,pokušava da napravi najjači mogući savez.

Cot je pokušao da bude nezavistan od TWO i to je normalno ali nisu uvideli 1 stvar,Cot je zapravo zavistan od TWO mnogo više nego što TWO treba CoT u ovom trenutku.
Zašto? Imamo recimo 4 bivše Eden članice Rumunija,Grčka,Taiwan i Argentina koje su se priključile TWO .Ovo čini TWO izuzetno jakim u Evropi.
Koliko je CoT bio zavistan od TWO govori podatak da CoT gubi na svim frontovima delom zato što neke stare teden članice neće da intervenišu,delom zato što CoT ima puno neprijatelja a malo dmg.
Sa druge strane TWO hoće brzi rat takozvani blickrig što je čudno,ali sa druge strane i razumljivo jer je TWO u boljoj poziciji za delovanje.

1.Argentina je puštena s lanca tako da će vrv pritisnuti Čile.

2.Rumunija se bori da dodje do Meksika-prekinuta bitka

3.Srbija je odbila napad Amerike i napada američko kopno.

4.Madjarska uvidevši da su joj bokovi slobodni i levo Belorusija i desno Turska započinje lukavi plan za previše izloženu Rusiju

5.Litvanija i Letonija su se takodje priključile napadu na Rusiju,Nemci su zatim uzvratili napadom na Litvaniju,UK takodje stupa u borbu i napada Nemačku.

Tako da imamo pravi WW u toku.

Šta možemo reći o nekim starim Teden članicama koje su manje ili više neutralne kao Cro ili Brazil.
Oni imaju plan i zbog toga ne žele da se otvoreno pridruže CoTu.
Hrvatska kao predvodnik ovog plana gura neutralnost ya sada-Mpp sa Meksikom je samo znak dobre volje.
Šta oni zapravo žele je da TWO odlučno potuče CoT i da zatim istupe sa planom,zato što neko mora da napravi balans i to je zdravo igranje ove igre.
Predlog bi se sastojao u tome da stare Teden države Amerika,Brazil,Cro itd + najveće države iz CoTa Bugarska,Mkd,Cile naprave nov savez
koji će u suštini biti delom Eden no2 + CoT i tu neće biti mesta ya sve male iz Cota,za one koji su previše izloženi TWO napadima.
Hrvatska Brazil i ostali ne žele da budu deo CoT zato što taj savez nije efikasan,previše članova, i zato što žele da naprave
nešto novo i zato oni moraju biti tvorci tog novog saveza a ne Bg,Mkd ili Čile.
Ako pogledamo pobliže ovo jeste realističan plan zato što neko mora da se suprotstavi TWO i snage koju su protivnici TWO još nisu ujedinjeni.
Neko će reći nikad bla bla bla....ali to pada u vodu kada sa jedne strane imamo prejaki two i sa druge CoT + delovi Edena koji se ne mogu postati deo TWO.
Mnoge stvari se još ne vide pozicije nekih država još uvek nisu potpuno razjašnjene ali kroz neko vreme imaćemo jasnu sliku.

Ključar celog problema je USA.
Svesno ili nesvesno Amerika radi po ovom planu tako da su iyveli napad na Srbiju i započeli svetski rat ne kažem da se to ne bi desilo ali ovaj trenutak i nije tako dobar za CoT.

Tako da ćemo od sada imati globalni sukob.
Evropa će biti pod dominacijom TWO uz nekoliko jakih država protivnika Bg,Mkd,Cro itd

Severna i Južna Amerika pod dominacijom CoT tj budućeg saveza sa dodatkom jake Argentine tj CUA i Španije u blizini.

Sudbina Azije će biti u rukama Kine za sad neutralna,Indoneyija cot i Tajvan ACT,kako god da se razreši situacija biće zanimljivo.

Možemo očekivati neočekivano neke promene će biti šokantne a neke druge sasvim normalne.
Na kraju ćemo imati samo 2 saveza koja se bore za svetsku dominaciju jedan od njih je TWO a drugi...videćemo.

Robert E.Lee 1861

Interesantan zakon>

Za Shout
CoT-TWO war and consequences [Srb/Eng]

English version

This war wake me up and forced me to writte something about it.
So its started,many predict this development of things a few didnt beleive in it.
I think that crucial moment was death of Eden and bringing USA into CoT(secondary).
"Race in arms" bring us here and there is no one to be blamed for it,this game function on war so everyone (oppenly or covertly)
is trying to make a most powerfull alliance.

CoT tried to be more independent from TWO and
thats normal but they didnt realize one thing,CoT is indeed dependent from TWO now more then TWO needs CoT.
WHY? We have lets say 4 former members of Eden Romania,Taiwan,Greece and Argentina that now stands together with TWO (taiwan is in Act).
And this made TWO the most powerfull force in Europe.
How much CoT were dependent of TWO tell us the data that CoT is loosing on all fronts partly because some old Teden members
dont want to intervene,CoT had a lack of dmg and alot of enemies today.
Large number of small states will prove like a bad move because all of them will be under attack and there will be no one to defend them.
On the other hand TWO wants fast (blitzkrieg) war which is odd,but understandable because TWO is in better position to act,
so they initiate oppening of almost all new fronts.

1.Argentina is on the loose so they will probably push Chile in.

2.Romania is now figthing to get to Central America to Mexico-battle is stopped
3.Serbia pushed USA back and attacked their main land.

4.Hungary realized that her wings right Turkey and left Belarus are free so Hungary devised a cunning plan for too much exposed Russia

5.Lithuania and Latvia joined Hungary and attack Russia so Germany step in and attack Lithuania,UK interveene and attack Germany.

So we really have a WW going on.

What we can say about some old teden members who are more or less neutral for now like Cro or Brasil.
They have a plan and because of it they are not joyined CoT yet.
Croatia as a leader of this project push neutrality for now(Mpp with Mexico is just a sign of a good will)
What they really want is that TWO beat CoT in few weeks even days so CoT will totaly fall apart and then they will step in
with a proposal,because someone has to make a ballance here and its indeed a healty play of this game.
Proposal is old Teden members USA,Cro,Brasil and so on + the biggest countries from CoT (Bulgaria,Mcd,Chile) make a
new alliance that will be in basic Eden no2 + Mcd and Bg but there will be no place for the small ones from CoT,
for ones who will be too much exposed to TWO.
Croatia,Brasil and others dont want to join to CoT first because CoT is not effective (too many members) and because they want to
create something new but they must be creators of it not Bulgaria,Mcd and others.
If we take a closer look we will see that is one realistic plan because someone has to deal with TWO and forces
who are against it are not united yet.
Someone will say never bla bla bla...that falls into water if we have on the one side powerfull TWO and on the other
CoT+part of the old Eden who cant became TWO members.
Many things we still cant see,positions of some states are not fully revealed for now but for some time
they will reveal their plans.

Turnkey in this whole plan is no one then USA.
Consciously or unconsciously USA is working by this plan so they launched attack towards Serbia and push global war i dont say that
war would not happen sooner or later but this moment is not soo good for CoT.

So from now on we will have a global clash
Europe is and will be dominion of TWO with a few strong countries as opposition Mkd,Cro,Bg and so on

North and South America will be dominion of CoT and further alliances with addition of strong Argentina and Spain close by.

The faith of Asia will be in hands of China(neutral),Indonesia(cot) and Taiwan(act) it will be interesting to see
what is going to happen here.

Some changes can be shocking others will be just normal that means that we can expect anything to happen.
Ultimately we must have only 2 alliances fighting for global domination,one of them is TWO the other one...we will see.

Robert E.Lee 1861
An interesting law>

For Shout
CoT-TWO war and consequences [Srb/Eng]