COs and Why

Day 2,165, 04:35 Published in Australia Australia by Nicky6Fingers

Presidential nominee Nicky6Fingers calls a conference about the current situation

Mick Gatto…I know you are trying to do your best, and you are trying to make this all work out but bud this whole no CO thing and relying on national supplies…it’s not working out for us that much. I asked you to set a CO for Malaku Islands and you assumed I was talking about me. Mick Cos are EXTREMELY useful. Why do you think we won so much under Flatty’s term(s)? If you think it is for me mate then you have missed the point entirely

This is the battle for the Maluku Islands that was taken as I am writning this sentence. As you can see it is not looking too god for us at this point. I made a post hours ago saying that we needed a CO in orer to win the battle. This was your response I am posting it here so there is no “he said she said” nonsense.

Since this CO function was introduced it has become the new way to win battles. And it also gives a actual reason to get a Merc medal. It has proven itself much cheaper than buying Mercs manually (and easier I may add) and if one side has it and the other doesn’t they are automatically put at a disadvantage on the battlefield. Of Couse it depends on other factors but when we are facing a enemy and are losing (greatly) a little money can go a long way to give a little encouragement to our allies!

So here we are, Europe is about to go sleepy sleep. And America is about to wake up, this is when we need to have a decent lead in order to keep it up for the Argies to come around and give them the killing blow! Sadly we are losing this campaign by a decent margin and im sure some of them will go to other battles. This is just another example in the long line of them that prove how Cos and make or break a battle.

I don’t know why all of a sudden COs have been so hard to come by from the Gatto administration, after all they have budgeted a total of 500,000 (I rounded up from 495,000 shoot me why don’t you) and now you are telling me that they dnt want to spend it? It is obvious that we all messed up by blocking Poland. Now we have to man up and fix the problem we can’t expect Poland to do it for us! We have got to show them we are TRYING and in my eyes. Ive spent my money going to the ADF (apparently Ranger has too! ) as well as helping players start a RW and don’t expect the money back for it. How about this government throws up some money?

What would I do if I was the current CP of eAustralia? Simple, I would cut back on this national supply thing (which people have said it is a major headache) and put some of that money into COs. For one thing COs have proven MUCH more beneficial to us, and last time I checked if someone needed weapons don’t we all pitch in and help? Isn’t that what we do! When I came here and needed weapons I received some from Ranger,Cal, and a few others. And since then I have tried to do my part by sending tanks and food to whoever asked me! We don’t need the national supply to do what we have ALWAYS done


Nicky6Fingers answering questions after thepress conference

I Still Remain,
Your CP Nominee,