Cooperation with the PTO'ers and the Socialists, is it possible?

Day 840, 08:37 Published in Denmark Sweden by Grev Per

This article is speculative, as I'm speculating, I'm neither part of the PTO group, nor the Socialists, nor am I privy to their innermost thoughts, forums or chats, or whatever else.

This article is intended to look into the possibility of working together with the PTO group and the Socialists, and on what basis this could be on. This article is not part of a negotiation trick, or a negotiation in and of itself, as far as I know, there are no negotiations.

The most difficult part here has been to ascertain what the eSerbian interest in this is. Or the eSerbian PTO'ers interest at least. It's been claimed that they are here as part of the PHOENIX foreign policy, however no representative of PHOENIX has mentioned this yet. According to them we were members of Eden or Eden-centric, because we had relations to Sweden. Fine, nations are allowed and expected to be excessively paranoid.

This article presumes that the eSerbian PTO group is here to guarantee that the Danish foreign policy aligns with eSerbian national interests (which would obviously also coincide with the interests of PHOENI😵. This I believe is also the most likely explanation.

As far as the socialists go, I don't even know if they're really socialists. Since they know nothing of socialism (and despite Nero coming from a former socialist state), I am sort of assuming it's some kind of role-play, or more likely an amusing excuse to completely ruin an economy. Or simply trolling. Either that, or they simply want to run a socialist government. Their only interest in negotiations would be to add legitimacy to their claims. Or who knows, maybe they are tired of everyone hating them.

And the Danish interests are fairly straightforward, we want Denmark. We want to run Denmark. We don't mind doing this with people who aren't irl Danes, in fact many people here aren't irl Danes. We do mind however if they have no interest in Denmark whatsoever. Let's say the Danes want the congressional majority.

Obviously for the Danes the easiest group to negotiate with would be the eSerbs. If eSerbia insisted that we align ourselves with their foreign policy interests, I really don't think it would change Danish foreign policy much at all. (We don't have one really). The only hitch would be the MPP with eSerbia. As in how to fund it. (That would be the gaurantor for Denmark aligning with Serbia though, if we were to make an open declaration for one alliance over the other, we wouldn't want the other alliance to instantly invade us, ergo we'd want protection.) We'd want the eSerbians to reneg their Danish citizenships. Unelss of course they want to stay. But so far they seem to hate Danes so that doesn't seem likely.

With the socialists. We have no problem with free and fair elections. Historically and politically eDenmark has always been a country run through concensus, that is no one party controls everything, everyone works together. This is because the economics and politics of the game are so simple it doesn't really lend itself to a lot of ideological differences unless you get creative. However the eSocialists seemingly have never had a wish to cooperate with the eDanish population. I mean at all. and they still don't. If they want Danish cooperation, well to be honest I don't really see what they could say to ever get it.

If they could agree with the Danes and the eSerbs on the conditions for a new Danish foreign policy, and the eSerbs left, I suppose no one would really care if they ran in elections like everyone else. I just think they'd be really unpopular. Because of all the lying backstabbing stuff Nero has done.

So the only interest in negotiations or cooperation that the Socialist Party has, is as a sham in order to lend legitimacy to their claims.

Phoenix or eSerbia (depending on whose idea it was) has proven themselves not very popular among the Danes with regards to the PTO. Neither has ever approached our government about the region-swapping which seems to be the controversy. Neither of them has ever proposed a security alliance of any sort. Serbia could've come to us and said
'uh ooh if you don't do as we say in your foreign policy we'll take over your government. Don't worry though, we'll pay for an MPP', we probably would've considered it. I'd even say it'd be 70% likely to have been accepted. All a small nation like Denmark wants is a guarantee for its continued existence and to be left alone.

Anyways it looks to me as though an agreement would be highly unlikely to occur.