Cool Kids Don't Use eRep Chat

Day 779, 14:28 Published in USA USA by Joe Newton

Young eAmericans,

Experienced Americans don't use eRep's chat.
Because it sucks.

Back in my day, there wasn't a eRep chat!

Americans use the IRC, because it's awesome. You can:

-Order eAlcohol
-Play Trivia
-Do actions
-Kick other players
-Ban other players
-Have fun
and much more!

If you want to move up in the eWorld I suggest you use the IRC! There you can talk to your boss, or politicians or military guys...whoever you want. They are there.

But eRep's Chat sucks.
Got it?

So, How Do I, Like, Use This IRC?

You can get onto the IRC by clicking this.

-Then select Rizon for a server.
-And then make up your nickname.
(Preferably a spin off of your eRep nickname.)

And your pretty much done. Welcome to the awesome world of IRC!

For the Veterans Reading This...

We just experienced a 10% drop off in population. (400 people)
This is not acceptable.

So, I got to thinking. I haven't seen any new kids on the IRC lately...
And then I noticed eRep running it's "USA, Lets Chat" ads.

Veterans don't use eRep chat. New kids, probably do. They are probably looking for guidance there, and receiving very little, and then quitting.

Do you remember what it's like to be new here?
I do.
The game only picks up once you have something to do.
Let's get those future Field Marshall's and Presidents some help!
Just by voting this up, your doing your part.

Although I do encourage everyone to invite just one friend to eRepublik, and help them through the game.
By doing that, you will double your impact on America's future.

Traditional Quote:

"There is no achievement without goals."
-Robert J. McKaine

See ya’ll next time.