Constructive Criticism for the DoD

Day 1,161, 19:30 Published in USA USA by wookyjack

I know certain people have bitched about the DoD not being in the Top 5. I know why it should be too. However, when its the same incessant nagging about where to fight every day (not including Erep's new feature "Battle of the Day") one begins to question why the DoD should be in the Top 5...

1) Player retention? All I see is "JOIN THE TC." And "If you think you have the right stuff then sign up. But if you can't keep up then don't step up." What kind of message is this sending a new player other than a big **** you? I know that the TC is the initiation into the military, kind of like being in a frat (and we know how 'snorky' frats can be), but how does the DoD work to increase player retention with this kind of message?

2) Org voting? Not since over a year ago did the DoD get so many votes in the Top 5. I call BS. If you're gonna hate on articles that org vote themselves to the Top 5, then maybe you should look to your own newspaper and find out what the hell is wrong and how you can prove to do better other than bitch about the other guy's newspaper.

and yes, I have org voted before. Its a propaganda tactic and very widely, and intelligently used (well, sometimes lol)

3) Originality? Okay, I give the DoD credit for being the superior newspaper in America because its worked hard for that achievement. And its important news, ofc. But I mean come on. Every time I see a DoD in the Top 5 these days I want to stab my eyes out. Come up with something new! PLEASE? I know there are some talented writers in the eMilitiary (most of them are Cavalry, but we'll debate that another day 😛) so why not get some story line or more info in the articles weekly, if its not possible to do every day?

Well, that's all I got. Take it with a pinch of salt.