Constitution and Lottery

Day 435, 06:51 Published in Denmark Sweden by Grev Per

Dear Danes,

It's time we discuss a Danish constitution. I've mentioned it before in my previous article, but I would like to underline my argumentation for why a constitution shouldn't be so goddamn gay. It's really quite simple, constitutions are more or less worthless wastes of time. I'd rather be caught masturbating in a kindergarten than write a serious e-constitution.

No, this IS DENMARK. We're not the E-UK (Sorry Brits, I don't know if you have a constitution or not, but I figured you guys were nerdy, I think that's just prejudice on my part). We don't need no constitution, we don't even have an e-court system. (Thank God), and we certainly don't have any e-lawyers. In fact I don't even know anyone studying law, except for Eddike, but he died in the resistance. And as far as I know all he studies is family law, like he's inspired by 7th Heaven or something.

If we're going to have a constitution it better be worth our time. It better mean something, it better be an improvement over masturbating in a kindergarten. If you really joined Erepublik to spend your time writing dry pieces of legal

No you joined erepublik to entertain yourself. You joined erepublik as something to do for fun. I say let's use our constitution for this purpose. Let's have the constitution reflect our wicked senses of humor, our wit, but most importantly our will to have fun.

Don't disappoint me Denmark, don't be dry pieces of nerdy wipes. It doesn't matter if you're a socialist, a liberal or something else. If you seriously came here to pretend to be a socialist, because you are one in real life, that's sad. Now if you came here to be an interesting socialist or liberal, to reinterpret the e-world to suit new and interesting politics, then prove it. Don't come here to be a carbon copy of every other socialist or liberal party in the e-world, that kind of lack of imagination doesn't belong in Denmark.
Post here:
Give us some good ideas!
So far we got
1. Time-share monarchy
2. Legalized slavery
3. The ratification of whether or not Duke Nukem or Count Dracula is cooler
4. Throwing people with accents off of Himmelbjerg (thank you Denmark's Communist Party for that idea!)

Roll up your sleeves and be creative goddamnit!

I want to throw in a word of support for entrepeneur and innovator A. Holst and his lottery. I think it's a great idea for a fledgling nation, if you got any extra money I would suggest that you contribute to this lottery. I already have donated my 10 DKK. Even if you lose, the idea is good enough, and it's something we can do as a nation!
You can find the lottery here: