Congressman Wilhelm Gunter's Voting Record

Day 732, 20:35 Published in Canada Canada by Wilhelm Gunter">

To view my Platform for the upcoming Congressional elections, click here.

Below, you will see how I voted on each issue and commentary where appropriate. Note that all votes are listed in chronological order. I have grouped the types of motions together:


Monetary Motions

"Canada Accounts where collected taxes go; and also where any money the government issues is deposited into the game. It costs the government 100 GOLD to issue 20 000 CAD. The only way to access this money is through a Donation Motion to Revenue Canada.

Donation 355 USD 40-1
Money Issue 40 000 CAD 40-3 * as mandated by October Budget
Donation 75 000 CAD 42-1
Donation 2 400 RUB 36-4
Donation 2 822 USD 38-2
Donation 1 114 HUF 43-0
Donation 17 500 CAD 38-2
Money Issue 100 000 CAD 29-11 Executive Order by President
Donation 99 999 CAD 37-3
Donation 11 266 CAD 37-2
Donation 10 000 CAD 30-5
Donation 8 513 CAD 38-1
Donaton 5 527 CAD 37-3
Money Issue 80 000 CAD 21-2 (Current)* as mandated by November Budget.

Expect two more money issues of 80 000 CAD in the coming week, and then a final issue of 80 000 CAD during the last week of November. This is to "play catch-up" with the budget, which was presented to congress late and then further delayed by vigorous debate in the House of Commons. In all, the budget calls for Issuing 320 000 CAD over the month of November. The one motion which received some congressional opposition was the 100 000 CAD emergency printing that was ordered by the President via Executive Order.

I voted YES in each and every Currency Motion listed above. Most were just routine money matters and had already been approved in the monthly budgets.

Taxation Motions

Most Congressman, yours truly included, have come to a consensus that import taxes need to be increased. This past session has seen the first wave of such bills; expect more to be coming in future days and weeks. You'll notice a change from the first such motion to the remaining motions which have taken place during this session.

Tax Change: Import Tax on Grain - change from 50% to 70%. 12-30
Tax Change: Import Tax on Weapons - change from 20% to 40% 31-9
Tax Change: Import Tax on Grain - change from 50% to 75% 32-6
Tax Change: Import Tax on M. Tickets - change from 25% to 40 % 36-3
Tax Change: Import Tax on Grain -change from 75% to 20% 7-31
Tax Chnage: Import Tax on Food -change from 50% to 70& 11-3 (Current)

Here I voted YES to each motion which moved to raise the tax; I voted NO to each motion which moved to lower the tax.

Alliances/Declarations of War/Peace Treaties

Alliances, otherwise known as Mutual Protection Pacts (MPPs), enable countries to come to the defense of each other even though there may be a huge geographical distance between them.

Alliance Croatia 42-0
Alliance Spain 39-1
Alliance Australia 39-2
Alliance Sweden 39-0
Alliance Romania 40-0
Alliance Poland 43-1

Change in MPP Price from 30 Gold to 100 Gold

Alliance Malaysia 38-2
Peace w/ France 33-7
Alliance Italy 38-2
Alliance Austria 34-3 Executive Order
Alliance Greece 34-2
Alliance Croatia 11-0 (Current)

I voted YES for the Peace Treaty with France. This ensures us a secure East Coast. The only probable way for us to be attacked is throught the US - the Russians via Alaska.

I will deal only with the Alliances signed after the increase in price from 30 GOLD to 100 GOLD. As you will see later in this report, the budget allows for 10 MPPS for November.
I voted YES for Malaysia, because it is the site of our Training Wars, something which is imperative for Canadians to rank up and gain battle damage.
I voted Yes for Italy. In principle, I was opposed to an alliance with Italy, because they share no border with with a hostile nation except for France. If a war was to occur between the two nations, we would have plenty of time to set up an alliance with them - Italy has too may regions to be wiped off the map very quickly (a la Slovakia). However, the Canadian government had made a verbal promise to Italy to sign an alliance with them if they were to leave Peace. We had to keep our word.
I voted YES for Austria. A PEACE nation, but shared common border with Hungary and were under attack by Hungary at the time of the President's Executive Order.
I voted NO for Greece. An EDEN country, but imedaiate threats. Only hostile nation on their doorstep is Turkey, but they are not a powerful Country. Greece could likely deal with a Turkish war on their own.
I voted YES for Croatia. An EDEN country, surrounded by hostile nations (Hungary, Serbia). Strategic for both Canada and Croatia.


These are all the votes which have taken place ingame on eRepublik. However, there are some other votes which have taken place on the Canadian Forums, both in Open Door Congress and Closed Door Congress (most of the Closed Door Congress content, however, cannot be repeated)

Here are the highlights:

The US and Canada split the 150 GOLD cost between each of us, to buy a Q5 hospital and give it to Switzerland. I voted YES. Recall - or if you are too young, know - that just as Canada was reclaiming her territories after being wiped off the map, Sweden gave us a Q5 hospital, which is still there today, sitting in Alberta. Motion passed 19 - 3.

Congress passed a Censure of the President for his violation of Parliamentary procedure.
I voted YES. This was meant to be seen as a public reprimand for his actions, whereas an impeachment vote would have been far too strong a response. Impeachment, in my mind, should only ever be used if a President was convicted of a crime or was absent the game for more than 3 days. Motion passed 25 - 7.

The USA offered us a Q5 Defense System for nominal or no cost. Voted YES to this great gift from our Brolliance partners. Motion passed 16-6.

The placement of this accepted Q5 Defense System was put to a vote, with options
for all 13 Canadian regions, and one option to give it to Switzerland. Voted to place in Alberta. Motion passed with 63% of cast votes selecting Alberta.

A move to devalue the CAD to .025 GOLD/CAD (40 CAD = 1 GOLD). Voted YES. Motion passed 14 - 6, but then was Vetoed by the President. This was followed
by a vote to overturn the President's veteo. I abstained from from this vote. The
motion to overturn the Veto was 10 - 7, and failed to reach the 2/3's majority needed.

Congress proposed a motion to spend 20 GOLD to open a CHAT room in the new eRep
CHAT module, a secure place only for Congress to discuss government issues.
I voted NO. Motion failed, 2 - 14.

November Budget. A number of things were proposed, but the two which caused debate in
Congress was the $1500 GOLD for 15 MPPS, and $10 000 CAD for Foreign Aid.
I proposed an amendment to reduce the GOLD for MPPs to 1000 (or 10 MPPS), which was adopted by the Minister of Finance. If more details are required concerning the
budget, all you need to do is ask. I voted YES to accept the budget. Budget passed 10 - 6.

So that's it. Clearly, the Canadian government has been busy this past month, and so have I.
May my voting record and explanation of my votes be an assurance to you as you consider
my request for your vote
this coming Wednesday. See you at the polls!