Congressman Jacobi's Presidential Platform

Day 560, 08:24 Published in Canada Canada by Jacobi
Presidential Platform of Jacobi, Congressman for Nova Scotia

Having seen eCanada for the last four months, and having won my second term as a Congressman for Nova Scotia, I feel that I have gained a handle on the type of Canada we have, and the type of Canada we want.

As the owner of Carpenter Industries I have developed a grasp of economic principles and knowledge of the Canadian economy. This economic experience, as some other candidates might say, is essential for a President to have.

I think there is little doubt that I am well known for having a decidedly populist and democratic government philosophy. I have proven in Congress that I can pass bills that had been defeated just a month before (Department of Justice Act) as well as fashion compromises and proposals that are accepted by Congressmen. This is obviously an important trait in a President.

I believe in a more open, more accountable government and an eCanada that is not afraid to adapt and to grow away from people who have been around for more than 6 months. If elected I would be the first boomer President, and a signal to ourselves and to the world that Canada is ready to move in a new direction.

A Strong Foreign Policy

Canada has an opportunity to make its place in the world now, better than any time in the past. We are not, as some Minister of Finance’s have said, “a satellite” We have to mindful that the opportunities we have now are not made in a vacuum. We need alliances, we need allies not only to protect and safeguard Canada, but to provide opportunities for Canadians to fight the good fight.

As President the defining principle of my foreign policy will be to maintain the friendships that we have created so far, while forging new relations with countries like Italy, Portugal or Brazil. The United States is a close ally. Spain and the United Kingdom are old friends. Romania might have their own agenda, but they have been to our aid before. Our destinies are tied to the security of these countries as much as theirs are to us. But we will not be a silent partner, and we will stand up for other countries whom are militarily, politically, or economically oppressed.

In my administration, we will have an activist foreign policy that will allow Canadians to fight, get experience, and obtain wellness and show the world our power!

Social Services Made For You

The major focus of the Canadian government must be the military and military funding. I don’t think that that can be denied in what is essentially a strategic game of war. But part of eRepublik is the social strategy aspect, and we have to be mindful that not every citizen of Canada is interested in being a soldier.

That’s why we have social services.

As a Congressman I authored legislation that gives our health care system money to make getting wellness cheaper for you. As President I will support that health care system, and budget willing, expand upon it so that we can keep our collective wellness high. I will also support the expansion of our hospital system, and make my number one priority upgrading Health Canada to quality 5. Canadians need the best health care system to compete, and I will help provide that.

Social services aren’t just about health care however. Immigration is an important field that we have mostly left untapped beyond encouraging people to visit the eCanada forums. We can and should do more. Under my administration, the Minister of Immigration will be authorized to use a small budget to create a recruitment team to create a case for citizens in other countries to come and live actively in Canada, and then help them to participate fully in eCanadian life. The more active people, the more diverse a group that make up eCanadians, the stronger we’ll be for it.

Creating an Accountable Government

We might have a more transparent government and Congress than we had three months ago, but there is a lot more work to be done to make government accountable as well. The first step towards that is an ability to assess where we are and where we can go from there. We do that, by creating a budget.

Under my administration, a budget will be presented on the 15th of every month to Congress, detailing revenues and expenses up until that point, as well as any liabilities or obligations the government may have. From that point, Congress will have the opportunity to chart a direction for the country’s finances with public debate, before the budget begins on the first of the month. I think everyone is tired of flying blind and it will be useful to know where we are, before we know where we’re going.

But accountability doesn’t end at a budget alone. All Ministers will be able to hire the Deputies they need to run their ministries and will be accountable for the actions of those Deputies, while superfluous government organizations and companies will be shut down to limit avenues of waste. Further, I will be appointing an Auditor General to independently assure Congress and the Government that we are doing what we can to spend wisely and that no opportunity to save is left unturned.

Finally, I will introduce legislation to make public closed door Congressional debates open for viewing after two months (baring a Presidential veto) and will clarify the number of things that are considered “closed door.” Once time has passed to make issues historical, Canadians should have the right to know how important security issues were made.

Improving our Economy

It is true that Canada enjoys some of the lowest taxes in the world, and we ought to be proud of that singular fact. Canadian taxes are competitive, give people reason to invest in our country, and make our goods and services comparatively cheap.

But right now, a lot of the tax policy in Canada is based more on intuition than on sound numbers, and a lot of arguments that go on have to do with special interests. With a budget we will be able to proceed with sound, stable funding for our programs while keeping taxes as low as possible for our economy to thrive. Even if the budget finds that in order to provide a bare minimum for our country we need to raise taxes, I will strenuously argue against anything higher than 10% income or VAT and will argue against undue or ludicrous increases in the import tax.

Of course, the best and most simple way for us to improve the economy is to improve our nation’s wellness. We will do that through health care yes, and we will also do that by providing Canadians ample ability to fight in battles overseas. That, with sound taxation policies routed in reality, will see our economy to good times once again.

Enhancing the CAF

When our allies need help, when we need to be a force in the world, when the chips are down, we need the Canadian Armed Forces.

The Canadian Armed Forces haven’t been allowed to grow much in 2009, but in order for it to grow we will have to look at how best to achieve that growth. As President and with Derakor as my Minister of Defense, we will implement a plan that will upgrade the Code of Conduct, streamline the chain of command to secure orders and suit a larger CAF, and creating a special forces unit that will be able to deal heavy damage when its needed. We will also reactive and properly fund the Medical Supply Division, so that our soldiers will be able to fight longer at top condition.

As President I will be committed to continuing the funding base of the CAF and giving the General and her staff the authority she needs to conduct CAF operations. The training goal of the CAF will be split between the continued need to bring the regulars to Colonel status, and to bring our special forces unit to create the Field Marshals we need to inflict damage on a daily basis.

It is my pledge that we will be able to build a CAF that will be strong, respected by our allies and feared by our enemies – a CAF that has the full support of the government and that befits the 7th largest country in the eWorld.

Constitutional Reform

While our Constitution has been developed to protect and safeguard the rights of Canadians, we have seen in some cases the failures of the current system. Under my administration I will charge Canada’s foremost legal minds to amend the Constitution to strengthen our Supreme Court’s ability to protect our rights from being used as tools for partisan aggression. We must ensure that the government’s punitive powers are placed in the steady hands of an impartial, apolitical judiciary. The congress and the government have been entrusted with the power to draft the laws of our nation, but it is the solemn duty of the Judiciary, not the congress, to interpret, and enforce them. That’s why we need a strong, effective Supreme Court, with a clear mandate: to defend the rights and freedoms of eCanadian citizens, and be the sole purveyor of Justice.