Congressional Transparency: Creating a Compromise

Day 526, 10:21 Published in Canada Canada by Adasko


Because congressional transparency raised alot of questions recently, I have a plan to create a compromise, between full and current transparency, which I think, should please both the congress, and the eCanadians.

Opening the Debate Section- Congress will open the debate section for all eCanada Forum Members to see, read-only. However an exception will be made:

Congress will be able to create a secret debate, if a vote is held earlier, and 3/5 of the congressman vote for the motion. But... Why not make every debate secret? To ensure that congressman won't overuse this ability, I want to propose creating a post of "Citizens Right Representative" who's opinion would be crucial, once a motion succeeds.

The CRR should be elected by eCanadians, through the eCanadian forum, from non-congressional, and non-cabinet candidates. The congress would have the right to veto the peoples choice, once per term. The term of the CRR would be equal to the one of the Speaker.

His responsibility will be to ensure, that the topic of the debate falls under guidelines ( created after a meeting of the Cabinet, Congress, and the CRR,) that make a debate secret, for example; threat to national safety, voting on a cabinet policy with a secrecy clause, or personal congress matters (revoking congress access). If a CRR blocks a secrecy vote, despite it falling under one of the guidelines, he should be trialed in express sentencing.

I think this should be a satisfactory solution to the transparency problem, as similar forms are often used in real parliament.

If you like it, vote it up, and if you have a question, post a comment. 😉
