Congressional Transparency Act

Day 694, 23:50 Published in Canada Canada by e Fight Club


Purpose- To open congressional debates and allow eCanadian citizens the ability to stay informed with the goings on of their elected congressional government.

What will be done- Congress will be split into two groupings, an Open Door Session and a Closed Door private Session. All open door topics will be viewable by eCanadian citizens registered on the eCanadian forums. Closed door Congress will be restricted to elected congressmen, Cabinet Ministers and forum admins by default.

Open Door Congress- eCanadan citizens will be granted “Read-only” status allowing them the ability to read all topics in open door Congress. This will not allow eCanadians the ability to comment in Congress, commenting will be restricted to elected and appointed officials.

Any information made available in open door congress is subject to reprinting in eRepublik with the permission of the poster only. Doing so without permission Is against erepublik rule 3.2 (found here )and will result in the Citizens reporting to eRepublik Administrators and possible temporary in game ban.

Closed Door Congress- eCanadian Congressmen will have full posting rights in closed door congress. It is understood that all information in closed door congress is of a secret nature and not subject to reproduction, doing so will result in the Congressman’s temporary expulsion and continued expulsion for the term pending a congress vote.
Subjects to be included in Closed Door Congress may include but are not restricted to: New MPP’s, strategic Defense System and Hospital placement, war declaration, Peace Proposals, War strategy and attacks, or anything that is deemed to be secret in nature.

Once a topic is posted in Open Door Congress it may be moved to closed door at any time should the subject matter be that of the above posted or deemed to be of a secret nature. Those with the authority to move a topic include speaker of Congress, President/Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister. Once a topic has been moved all proceeding information cannot be relayed to the Public. A forum admin may be requested to facilitate the move.

Congress forum votes- The Speaker of Congress will provide a summary of Congress voting at the end of each vote in the same topic as the original issue. Voting results will be available for all open door sessions of Congress but restricted for closed door sessions. The results of the voting will be implemented by a member of Congress or the President at first opportunity in eRepublik.
