Congressional run/Military application

Day 671, 11:47 Published in Malaysia USA by kristof von

Ciao! First off i am running for congress in Southern Thailand so if you happen to be there on Election Day please don't hesitate to throw a few votes my way, Anyways these are my stances on a few issues today,

- First off i am a big supporter of the alliance that some of us Southeastern Asian nations have. I believe we should try to expand on it and bring more smaller nations into the alliance, small nations looking out for each others interest instead of the interests of the larger players. I believe that Sol should be expanded upon as much as possible, it would not only help in fostering but could also be a security blanket against aggressor nations.

-Secondly I support te current tax system with only a few tweeks nothing really major. I believe industries such as Weapons should have slighly higher taxes since they are currently, offering wages no other production companies can match if they hope to turn a solid profit. Also i would also lower import taxes on certain industries instead of raising the income tax to let the free market help to dictate the prices and bring them down slightly.

-Wargames, Wargames, WARGAMES!! We can never have too much war games. War games are a vital part of Union right now it has benefited the people of FRoSEA greatly i fully support them

Well thats pretty much it.

And also i would like to apply for the FRoSEA Military but cant find the darned Application!. Well when it comes to the Military i have alot to offer was a former member of the eUS airborne after leaving Thailand for a ''Warcation''. I have many deployments under my belt, I fought for Greek freedom from Turkey, The current WWIII, operations in Romania, the Mexican American wars aka taco bell, The Russian wars for freedom from Romania many moons ago.(Which i kinda regret now). And many more conflicts around the Globe.

I am applying for the position of Squad leader or higher.