Congressional Report #5

Day 2,163, 11:33 Published in Canada Serbia by Sally Willis

Side switcher? It's an outrage!

Or is it? I hit the Congressional ground running. I was happy and content to run with my party's policies.

But what happened? Well, I don't do "shrinking violet". It was my intention to make a large SPLASH, and thereby become unforgettable. Being a congressmen meant something to me, and (yes, I actually DID read and check through such stuff as the Congressional Rules of Order) but, yes, I fell foul of a lack of comprehension ... them rules are not perfectly clear.

I learned that I had pissed off the MDP "High Command" through a "senior" who normally "avoids talking to 'lessers'", but that senior lost me when he called me a bitch for failing rapidly to come to an understanding of whatever point he was making.

I'd very much like to continue to gain experience in Congress, but I'll not kowtow to the opinions and instructions of those who describe themselves simply as "seniors".

If I'm fortunate enough to gain a seat in the next congress for the CPF, I'll continue to work to expose flim-flam and cynical politicking, I'll continue to examine congressional procedure with a view to streamlining it and empowering the ordinary player's role in the political process, and (of course) I'll uphold CPF policy and obey whipped votes.