Congressional Report (07/03/09 - 14/03/09)

Day 483, 14:17 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Oexis

I have recently been appointed as the Minister of Information and Education, and I will carry on where my predecessors left off and I will continue to publish weekly legislation reports from government.

Removal of Expensive Government Schemes
Proposed by Squiddy

This bill removes the payment of Agents and Ministers and removes the right for a congressman to request funds for their region until the country is deemed economically stable enough for these schemes to return.

- In House of Commons
- In House of Lords

Voting (HoC) - VOTE PASSES
Yes: 24
No: 6
Abstain: 1

Voting (HoL) - VOTE PASSES
Yes: 4
No: 1
Abstain: 0

Income Tax Proposal
Proposed by roadrunnerspeed

This bill increases income tax in all industries from 10% to 20%.

- In House of Commons
- In House of Lords

Voting (HoC) - VOTE PASSES
Yes: 12
No: 3
Abstain: 2

Voting (HoL) - VOTE PASSES
Yes: 4
No: 1
Abstain: 0

Belgian Repealment Act
Proposed by malta_1990

The bill amends legislation that includes references to Belgium to remove these references.

- In House of Commons
- In House of Lords

Voting (HoC) - VOTE PASSES
Yes: 26
No: 0
Abstain: 1

Voting (HoL) - VOTE PASSES
Yes: 4
No: 0
Abstain: 0

War Protocol Amendment
Proposed by roadrunnerspeed

The bill gives the MoF a vote on the War Council.

- In House of Commons
- In House of Lords

Voting (HoC) - VOTE PASSES
Yes: 19
No: 0
Abstain: 0

Yes: 1
No: 2
Abstain: 2

Overall Voting Attendance (Commons votes for this term's Congress only):
Funky44 - 100%
Rastari - 100%
Certacito - 100%
Eadie - 100%
Felix K - 100%
Jan Bakyara - 100%
ThomasR26 - 100%
Sir Graystar - 100%
Liam Smith 100%
Sir Digby Chicken Caesar - 100%
Anaxima - 100%
Count drakula - 100%
Scipio the Great - 100%
Jiizm - 100%
Azra’eil - 100%
Vyett Ynsydr - 100%
Big Boy Bulley - 100%
SaraDroz - 66%
Tommy Tommasino - 66%
Bob Boblo - 66%
Tas_pats - 66%
Carl Paul - 66%
EJPayne - 66%
Malta_1990 - 66%
CV James - 66%
Dobis - 66%
Teh User - 66%
Squiddy - 33%
Peter Lucas - 33%
Iain Keers - 33%

The following Congressmen were absent from the voting:

NOTE: One vote (regarding Income Tax increases) was passed in Lords this week but not in Commons. Therefore, the article stats only take into account the 3 pieces of legislation that were voted on by the current Congress.