Congressional Presentation Part Two

Day 642, 20:05 Published in Canada Canada by Chamrajnagar

Hello all!

I, Chamrajnagar, am looking to get re-elected to congress with your help under the newly-reinstated CSD banner!

I was a wildcard candidate last term, and am looking to become a Newfoundland congressman.

As a member of the CSD, I support transparency. The CSD has taken it upon itself to be the first transparent party. Our forums are completely viewable by anyone, though posting is somewhat limited to our member base to prevent spam.

Thanks to you, the people, I have a month of congress under my belt already...and what a tumultous term it was, having been completely conquered. However, we did not give up and soon found ourselves back on the map.

What I did during my term as Congressman:
-Helped supply Canadians with cheap weapons
-Created a charity for new players to be able to afford food with their days wages
-Participated actively in Congress Discussions (
-Became ambassador to eIndonesia (
-Donated moving tickets and guns to forces working to liberate Canada through my companies
-Was appointed Minister of Finance by Prime Minister Jacobi

There is a lot more that I could talk about, but instead I invite you to PM me questions, or post here. I will try and answer as many as I can. Please note that unless you indicate otherwise, I would like to post any PM conversations so that others can view my responses.

Thanks for reading and I would appreciate your support on the 25th,
