Congressional Platform

Day 1,007, 09:38 Published in Ireland Ireland by Chris Cuthbertson

Hello Nation

With our election days around the corner, voters are wondering who to vote for and why. While political orientation no doubt play a large role in this scheme, TD’s should be voted on according to personal performance and how well they performed their duties. Nothing would make me happier than to see a chamber full of Labour members but diverse minds are always progressive. Personally, there isn’t one TD I’ve had a problem with this term, yet some don’t seem to be as active as others or only in it for the gold. I took a great pleasure in serving Eire this last term and I am very optimistic about serving again. Let me state how I conducted myself this last term and why you should re-elect me. 🙂

When it comes to how well I performed my duties this last term, I feel I executed them not only within accordance to Ireland’s law but for the benefit of the majority.

-I haven’t missed a single proposal or vote since my election

- I approved two citizenship requests for the Ministry of Immigration(Gutenberg’s a solid guy)

- I proposed and successfully passed two tax laws at the request of our Government

- I worked with several out of party members, who I enjoyed all the same

- I represented Labour with dignity and pride as a 1st term Teachta Dála

- I also rose to Party Presidency of Labour within a short-time thanks to some great members.

Aspects of our government I’d like to see accomplishe😛

- Reinstatement of a few communes that would benefit Ireland without a doubt, if properly ran.

- I supported Gutenberg's minimum wage change, this without a doubt stimulated job growth, something we all love to see.

- Would like to see my ICA brothers in full force again, IDF is doing great imo.

- Would like to see less members breaking Immigration Policy, Labour or not, it’s the law.

So there you have it lads. This is my platform for this month and If re-elected, I promise to maintain the respect and high reverence of the Dáil once again.

So remember vote Chris on the Labour ticket in Shannon!!

Sincerely, Your public servant

Chris Cuthbertson

p.s. I’ll be changing the name from “Labour- The Republican Party” back to it’s original name, due to the fact some members didn’t like this and we’re already Republican, no need to state it in the title; or I’m going to let the members choose on a new name. Vote in my comments or PM me. Thanks.

A few funny political pictures since it's that time of the month

Vote and Sub!