Congressional Platform

Day 793, 08:30 Published in South Africa South Africa by Jesuin_Ashcroft

I am announcing my congressional platform in Free State under the AGW banner.

I would like to hope that many of you have heard of me already, but I know that is not the case. I am Jesuin Ashcroft, and I am a Pro-EDEN player (having come from USA, one of EDEN's newest nations.). As Congressman, I would support any pro EDEN legislation, Any bills meant to help the newbies (They are our future you know.) and also any and all legislation meant to forward South Africa's position in the world's sphere of importance.

I firmly believe that we have the potential to become a world power, if we try hard enough, and have enough active players. South Africa needs a baby boom. I have no idea currently on how to accomplish this, (I will not lie to you), but I am going to actively search for sources on new players.

I also think that it is important to distance ourselves from the nations that have abused our nation. We need an EDEN nation to help us by taking the region that is a border to Brazil, so as to help us by not allowing any kind of retribution attacks by Brazil. We also deserve our regions back, (Gauteng, I'm looking at you...)

I do hope that I will be approved as a congressman in Free State, and hope that my future constituents will vote for me.

EDIT: Also, my birthday is the 25th, so you can consider a vote for me to be a Birthday present. 😛

Long live eSA!