Congressional Platform:

Day 1,364, 23:30 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by zonveri

Many of you reading this know me but for those who don't my name is Zonveri and I am asking for your vote in this upcoming congressional elections.  Now I would not expect you to vote for me unless you knew about me and what my goals and plans are to help make this great country of eMalaysia even greater!

Zonveri the person:
In real life my name is Kevin and I am a 17 year old teenager from the United States of America.  I played eRepublik about a year ago under the name Kevin ker (you can still search for that citizen to verify though he's inactive) in the eUSA.  I had the opportunity to lead a militia called Easy Company close to 30 strong.  I also gain experience in the eUSA mobile infantry and before I left the game tried unsuccessfully to create a global militia lol.  I was one of the founders and creators of how the eNew Zealand army is run and set up.  On the political side I absorbed a great wealth of knowledge from seeing how the Federalist party was run and maintained.  I am very active on IRC and you can find me there if you ever want to talk or send me an in game PM.

Economic plan:
The eMalaysian government is not close to being one of the richest countries in the world but I feel that our status can be improved.  First of all I fully support the creation of the Q3 food and gun companies that Infinity is setting up now and would like to see more government run companies to increase revenue and also to give the government to supply and feed all it's eager fighters.  One idea I would like to bring to the table is the idea of having our MU eT.D.M work at these factories at minimum wage and for exchange they get food and weapons to use.  This is called a commune system and would help the government save money and also gain food and weapons cheaply which it could sell for a greater profit or use in battle.

Foreign Affairs:
I would like to start talking to more counties especially In the Europe to see if we can gain more friendly allies and start some friendships.  We might be a weaker country militarily but that does not mean we have to stay like that forever.  I would like to hear the people of eMalaysia's input on who they would like to become friendly towards and I will work to make sure it happens.  For now I feel we should keep a stable relationship with eIndo seeing as how powerful they are.  Please come forward though and let me know if you feel there is any country we should try and talk to to become friends and maybe later an MPP.

Military Plan:
This is where I feel I can be the most useful to the eMalaysian people because of my vat experience in military affairs.  I would like to try and fund our MU eT.D.M so they can be more active and be more influential in battles and wars.  Also seeing how or military unit is full I would like to try and collect and raise funds for another MU to help in the efforts of protecting the interests of eMY at home and abroad.  A big goal for me is trying to get as many eMalaysians armed and fighting as possible and to get ppl active.  Once government companies are set up and running effectively I would like to introduce a plan called Arm Malaysia which would focus on getting food and weapons top average citizens that need them and want to fight. (this plan is a far ways away and I understand it will take much money and resources to be successful but it's an idea for the future.)

In closing:
I feel I have the skills and knowledge to help eMalaysia become even greater and I would love your vote to allow me to do so.  I am very active and am on eRepublik multiple times through out the day.  I have the time to devote to helping this country and I want to do just that.  

Please PM me if you have any questions or suggestions:
You can also find me on facebook add me or message me:!/profile.php?id=1459899234

Always open to suggestions also!

Hail eMalaysia!

For now that is all...from a hoping candidate
And remember to always make it rain!