Congressional Oath of Office

Day 1,802, 13:18 Published in New Zealand New Zealand by naxhi26

Hello there eKiwis! First off Id like to congrats the 40 special Kiwis who made the list as our Congressmen for the month of October/November. It is astonishing to see the results, oh and i must congrats myself, first congressional win! As life granted these individuals to the Congress of New Zealand, they now need a set of goals, rules, and stuff to keep them on task. I have devised a list for this called the Congressional oath of Office.
Let us begin

The New Zealand Congressional Oath

As a Member of a Congressional Office in the Country of New Zealand, I have power to decide laws and and make decisions on behalf of the people of New Zealand.

I hereby swear to use these powers for the greater common good, and not for Political Party Interest, or not for greater power.

I swear that I will actively participate in Votes to Pass or Decline Laws that have been brought up by another member of this Legislature

I will vote on these laws not for the better of my Political Party, and not on the President's Order, but on my better judgement and for what I and the people feel would be right.

I will try to approach major issues in this country with facts and ideas.

I swear to respect the President's decision in Foreign Affairs, Economy, Politics, etc.

I swear, if necessary, to impeach and remove the President should he fail to uphold his office and promote the general welfare.

I swear to declare reasonable war against a country that threatens our safety, ideas, and economy.

I will accept new Citizens into this nation if they prove to be worthy of becoming a Kiwi

I will participate and communicate with the people and to listen to their ideas about our government, and our finances.

I will not request that stupid or idiotic request be passed just for fun

I swear to uphold every citizens natural rights of liberty, life, and property.

If I fail to uphold this oath, then i will be subjugated to consequences brought on by my fellow congressmen.

In my term as congressmen, I will uphold this oath for the better good of this nation, the Grand Country of New Zealand, and all of its inhabitants

Below if you are a newly elected congressman, please say in the comments:

I do solemnly swear to uphold this oath in my term as a New Zealand Congressman.