Congressional Elections

Day 2,103, 14:29 Published in USA USA by stephen s

Hello eAmerica,

So it has come to my attention that I will in fact be running for Congress in the American Military Party. In hearing this news, Ive prepared a last minute article for you guys that will explain several things about myself and what I plan to accomplish if elected into Congress.

So here’s my background information:

I have held several positions in both the military and political aspects of the game which is why I feel I am a suitable candidate for Congress.
• United States Air Force Major- Squadron CO of FW3
• United States Air Force QM when needed
• Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security working under Josh Frost
• United States Training Corps Major- Division Executive Officer
• USTC Application Officer
• USTC Discharge Officer
• Office of Strategic Services Director/Assistant Director
• OSS Counter Intelligence Director
• OSS Applications Director
• OSS field agent
• 3x ambassador to eSpain

I was a field agent involved in gathering screen shots against PTH to get him banned.

So there’s some information to hopefully show you guys what Ive done in the past as well as what Im currently involved with.

Here are my goals or objectives that I plan on actively supporting or starting myself if given the chance.

1) The biggest one that I think everyone has in mind is the dreadful MANAGER’S TAX. If elected into congress, Ill open a discussion and proposal on the forums that will hopefully lead to decreasing this disgusting tax to 1% which is the minimum amount. I think we were doing fine before this tax and ever since we havnt had a congress and we got wiped, we havnt been able to lower it. That needs to change..
2) The second largest thing is that I will ensure my support to ANY legislation that I think will help the war effort in the most efficient way. I don’t see us having an issue finishing up with Hungary and I believe that with the continued help of CoT that we’ve been getting, we can take all of our regions back.
3) And last but not least, I want to increase our efforts in how we treat RGR and the AFA. We need to step up the amount of people we get involved in ATO and PTO efforts against the party. If we can continue to keep them out of congress, we can ensure the nation’s political safety and all of the different areas of government that are effected if we allow terrorists to control them such as the treasury which you’ve seen examples of this in eSerbia and eSpain in the past.

These are three points of focus that I have in my mind as I go forward with this and hopefully all of them can be achieved. I assure the American people that I will keep you in front of myself in making my decisions.

Thank you for your time you guys and Ill see you on election day. I also plan on having an article on the Congressional aftermath of the elections.

Stephen S
Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security