Congressional Code of Conduct

Day 694, 23:51 Published in Canada Canada by e Fight Club

The 2009 Canadian Congressional Code of Conduct

In acknowledgement of decreasing standards in both courtesy and behaviour, the Canadian Congress does hereby resolve to uphold and adhere to this Code of Conduct.

Article I - Definition of a Cultured Debate
A cultured debate is defined as a discussion involving none of the following:

* Personal Insults
* Threats
* Shouting and/or Aggressive Behaviour
* Excessive Swearing (As Determined by the Speaker of Congress)

Article II - Reporting of a Violation
In the event of a violation the following procedure is to be followe😛
(i). If a violation of Article I occurs any congressman is obliged to inform the Speaker of Congress who will then pass judgement upon the violation in question.

(ii). In the event of the Speaker's absence it shall fall to the designated Deputy Speaker to pass judgement.

(iii). If the Speaker and/or the Deputy Speaker, feel it necessary debate may be adjourned to ensure further violations are avoided.

Article III - Repercussions of Violation
In the event of a violation the following punishments are available for the use of the Speaker:
(i). Isolated Incident
(a). Written Public Warning
(b). Temporary Removal of Voting Rights (Duration to be determined by Speaker of Congress)
(c). Temporary Removal of Discussion Rights (Duration to be determined by Speaker of Congress)

(ii). Repeated Violations
(a). Permanent Removal of Voting Rights
(b). Suspension from Congress (Duration to be determined by Speaker of Congress)
(c). Removal from Congress

(iii) The punishment will be determined by the Speaker of Congress alone.

Article IV - Amendment
The Canadian Congressional Code of Conduct can be amended under the following conditions:
(i). Any amendment must have been seconded by at least two congressmen before it is brought to discussion.
(ii). Any amendment must be approved by at least 66% of all congressmen to be added to the Canadian Congressional Code of Conduct.
(iii). Any failed amendment may not be re-proposed for the remainder of the Congressional term.

Article V - Cancellation
Cancellation of the Canadian Congressional Code of Conduct may take place under the following conditions:
(i). To enable cancellation of the Canadian Congressional Code of Conduct, 75% of all Congressmen, and Women, must vote in favour of its cancellation.
(i). A cancellation proposal can only be brought forward once in a Congressional term.
