Congressional Citizenship Award

Day 1,244, 16:29 Published in USA USA by StygianSteel

You may have already heard by now, but in the hopes of promoting this award a little more I'm writing this brief article. The nominations for the Congressional Citizenship Award are now open. I know this has already been written about in a WHPR article, but it's my hopes this link to the nominations can reach as many people as possible.

This is your chance, citizens of the eUSA, to help us in Congress acknowledge those who go above and beyond the call. This award is meant to recognize the hard working citizens out there who are making this nation a better place.

Remember, the idea behind this is to acknowledge citizens who put in something extra and maybe work behind the scenes. This is not meant for those who simply do their standard dutie as Senators, Cabinet, Military, etc. There are four categories including education, charity, entertainment, and other.

To quote the purpose...

" As a means to recognize and encourage citizen volunteerism Congress shall hereby authorize a monthly Congressional Citizen Award Program to request nominations from all citizens of citizens who have provided exemplary volunteerism, charity, public works and other service for the benefit on our nation. The day to day activities of those serving in the Military and Militias, Political Parties, White House and Congress shall be excluded from award eligibility."

To place your nomination please do visit this link -