Congressional Annoucnment

Day 1,399, 14:04 Published in Austria Austria by cehansen

My Friends, Brothers, Countrymen LEND ME YOUR EARS,

Ok I didn't mean it literally :/ But thats okay 😃

You all might know me for those who don't I am cehansen. I have served in Congress over 5 times all in Austria and I am determined to continue to run and serve. Not only in my eLife am I active in leadership roles but also in my Real Life. I voulenteer over at my local Food pantry, I am in Student Government, and I am also part of an Honor Soceity known as the OA

I want to keep up the Progress that we have been making together and hopfully get the community active in the Fourms. I hope that you will find it within your hearts to keep me in office to keep doing my duty which I have been foresworn to do.

Thank you,

P.S. If you ever wondered what a Cardinal Sin was it's this guy. I am not making this up he was a Cardinal whose name was Sin.