Congressional Activity Statistics

Day 580, 10:14 Published in Canada Canada by Adasko

First of all, may I note that because of the amount of bans and similar occurences, the stats might be a little inaccurate. However, mostly they show the reality.

Throughout the day, I've been preparing a treat for all voters. The activity rates from the 26th (start of congress term) right until the 22nd, that is today, based on the current congressmen registered on the forums. I have a little spreadsheet for you.

So, what do We learn from this?

First of all, the most active congressman, is obviously Gofarman. His Speaker Duties probably helped him post 264 times this term. The runner-up is Nosyt, who's been everywhere, one might say, 135 posts proves it. The topic creator this term, was Duke Leto, who created 6 topics, with Auditor General petz, just on his back with 5.

Unfortunately, many congressman were inactive. 5 congressman never even said a thing this term, including PNQ leader Miloslav and former President Zanalan. Another 8, didn't post more than 10 times, most notably Joey Phillips, the PPC President, who posted only three times, and Andrew Mendelson of the newly created Green Party, who posted only twice.

Party-wise, the least active parties were the Green Party, the PPC and the PNQ, as visible in the second sheet, whereas Gofarman's Speaker position brought the CEP a nice average. However, in my opinion, if Gofarman wasn't speaker the rates would've changed a little. Second in the mix is the CSD who have an average of 49 posts per member, which given they are the biggest party in parliament is quite impressive.

So, here's a list of Congressman who in my opinion definetely do not deserve another term:
admis-5 posts 0 topics
Alias Vision-5 posts 0 topics
Eric Boucher, Frank Duper, Inochimizu- 0 posts 0 topics
Jilkor-2 posts 0 topics
Joey Phillips- 3 posts 0 topics
Miloslav-0 posts 0 topics
Ralph de Ver-2 posts 1 topic (However, he's been a good Deputy, so it's just about the numbers 😁)
RoyMunson-0 posts 0 topics
Samuel de Champlain-6 posts 0 topics
Trenton Rendell-4 posts 0 topics
Zanalan-0 posts 0 topics