Congress, you say?

Day 667, 14:21 Published in Australia Philippines by Keegan Knoll

Why, yes, that's right. I, Keegan Knoll, will be running for congress in the region of Tasmania in the September elections. Now, since I'm not the most well-known person in eAustralia by far, so I'll explain a little about myself and my country.

Who am I?

I have been playing this game for a little over one hundred days by now, wandering between a handful of different countries. I have been living in eAustralia for almost a month, now, and have my own business here. It seems that I've finally settled into a country that fits me well, and so I plan on finally beginning an active political career, as I've wanted to for some time now. I hope that you will give me the chance to make this a possibility.

What can I do to help this country?

Well, firstly, I would like to note that I have applied for Australia's senate school, to learn the ins and outs of how this particular government works, and this will allow me to perform better in the future. That said, I will do my best to do what is in the best interest of eAus, and I will express my opinion when necessary. I am not a big political party person, so I may not always agree with the party I'm in, and heck, I may not always run under the same party. I will simply vote the way that I feel most benefits us as a country.

In summation: Vote for me, I have plenty of awesome.

And I deserve to win, my avatar says so.