Congress Tax distribution

Day 2,046, 09:13 Published in Austria Austria by yst31

After receiving the tax of the election reward I proceed to explain the process of distribution of all the weapons:

KrennyX=2 golds
Wschwabe=2 golds
Gullberg=2 golds
GazonkFoo=2 golds

Exkremmentensammler=5 golds
Kurt Tucholsky=2 golds

Total Income=15 golds

In the first step,the 20% of the total income(3 golds) was sent to the ASM-Kantine.

Now i am going to explain all the process in a clear way with images to show where does that money goes.

First of all I change the gold into ATS,in two times in one 10 golds and then after receive the Exkremmentensammler donation other 2 golds.

After changing the 12 golds into currency,the total result was 2705.5 ATS.
In the next step,I bought Q6 weapons in the cheapest market toobtain the maximum number of weapons.So I buy 685 Q6 weapons which costs 2705.75 in total and each weapon cost 3.95.

In result we have 685 weapons.As I promise,I give 3 golds in weapons from the exkremmentesammler donation to the ACP members who came to the ASM.I count those 3 golds for a value of 200 ATS,the total result was 600 ATS,then I divided the 600 ATS in relation with the price (3.95) and in relation with the members who came (9 members).The average result reach 16 weapons for each person who came.

Now it's the ASM turn.
685 weapons-144 already given=541
541 weapons left/21 members=25.76 weapons for each.
So each member receive 25 Q6 weapons.

As both results were not accurate,there were 16 weapons left,I distribute them between Prince of Austria and me,and we both got 8 weapons.

With this article,I want to dispel all the doubts related to the distribution of the weapons and the spending of the money to ensure a fair distribution and to show the transparency of the process.

To finish I want to thank the ACP members donations(exkremmentensammler 5 golds,kurt Tucholsky 2 golds) and the effort of the ASM people who enter in congress for paying the tax within the lower time possible.

Thanks for reading