Congress Reality

Day 762, 15:21 Published in Japan Japan by exReality
People of Japan,

As a voter, it is important that you make an informed decision. Here are some of the things I have done during this term and hope to do next term if you choose me as your representative for Hokkaido:

1.Stronger Military: A strong military is significant for every nation. I have voted yes on every budget proposal our Minister of Defense has made. I have also supported the Military Revamp initiated under the current administration. The Minister of Defense also informed me that the military has improved over the past month.

2.Set Minimum Wage: I have also voted yes on the proposal the Ministry of Internal Affairs have made to make a set minimum wage in the markets. This act promises two things: the Japanese workers will never be exploited and the Japanese workers will be paid a decent wage.

3.South Korean Affairs: I initially planned to propose to Congress to return the South Korean regions to South Korea (although it is under rule by the totalitarian regime known as the Theocrats). However, foreigners decided to take action, and initiated my proposal for me. Because of these RWs, the South Korean community have a better chance of electing politicians who represent them. Japan will work closely with our Korean brothers to ensure their free government one day.

4. Greater Role in International Affairs: Japan has always been a nation which voiced its own opinions. But, Japan has not been a big participant of international affairs and I strive to change that. A strong military will give us a stronger voice and a more powerful diplomacy. Each factor ties into this fact, and I hope to see Japan as a player soon at the international scale.

5.Unity is Strength: Unity is essential for every Nation to become powerful and to work as one. An internal conflict will eventually lead to the demise of a nation, by external forces or by internal collapse. Although arguments and debates are important to make right choices: bigotry is not.

6.Kyushu: I have voted yes on the Kyushu Swap with America with China's liberation in mind. American and Japanese forces have already liberated Liaoning(the one region Iran had to return to appease the Ultimatum). China will soon be free from oppression and whole again.

7.Maintaining an Equal Distance from both Super-Alliances: Everyday, we are presented with the choices of joining a super-alliance. The only way Japan can maintain its sovereignty is by regional MPPs and a stronger diplomacy with its neighbors. However, we will speak out for our neighbors if they suffer under oppression and injustice. And if needed we will take action regardless of the consequences because it is the right thing to do.

Remember, your votes will elect people who you wish to represent you in office.

If you agree with my views, vote for me at Hokkaido. If you don't I hope to prove to you someday, that I will listen and I am willing to compromise.

P.S: Jack made the cool title.