Congress Please Read MPP with Argentina

Day 2,082, 05:41 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sir Winston S Churchill

Today I ask congress to support the NO VOTE


Argentina have wiped us in the past, now due to the fact Argentina is more powerful TWO wants to suck up to them and drop other friend's, the power's that be flicker among allies and are not loyal to our real friends.

Congress it is time to vote on a MPP with Argentina remember this , we fought hard spent money for Argentina to wipe us , take the piss out of us in the meida , and make us look weak, Then we signed a MPP with them last month for the rest of the world to laugh at us .

If you vote YES you are disloyal and just a party puppet, you are not serving the country well. I bet you're master will mail you and say vote YES fight for guys that wiped us, Well as a loyal Brit I don't want to fight for Argentina and many of the eUK fighter's are again'st this MPP.

Please stop us being a laughing stock on the international scene !

I do not want to fight for Argentina and you should not either , so today even though you will be mailed , think about this do you really think we should have a country like Argentina on our SIDE ? as soon as a better alliance comes along which suits them better they will dump us anyway, mark my words !

Do the decent thing and Vote NO !