Congress is Getting Sued!

Day 497, 22:30 Published in USA Poland by Ryan_5

Washinton D.C.--- Alby, who himself has been sued an above average amount of times, has filed suit against the U.S. Congress. The subject of the suit was government transparency. Specifically, the failure to disclose the purpose of recent transactions sent to Ft. Knox. Secrecy surrounding the misuse of funds played a role in the downfall of Uncle Sam. Congress is now being asked to be held accountable. Congress, immediately moved to dismiss the case, crying national security. However the case is moving forward.

At first there were problems with conflict of interest. Finding a judge delayed procedures, as the search for judge that was not a member of congress was proved a difficult feat. This raises questions about the balance of powers. The Honorable Eugene Harlot, was finally selected for the case, although his availability may cause delays. Pre-trial procedures, have begun without him.

Representing the Government, as always Attorney General, Henry Baldwin. Alby's lawyer is SerraAngel, who so far appears capable of handling it. So far it appears that it will be a bench trial, and no jury needed.,1694.0.html