Congress Elections- Want to Buy Wombatman25's Vote?

Day 1,612, 17:47 Published in Canada Canada by Wombatman25

Good evening eCanada,

Congress elections are coming up in just under one week!

Soon, your message inboxes are about to filled up with spam by people asking you to sell your vote.

I would like to announce that Wombatman25's vote is for sale!!. Don't think that you'll get this valuable vote for cheap though! I'm not looking for a couple of tanks.

Read on to learn how you can buy my vote.

My Price
Buying my vote is simple, just follow these steps and my vote is yours!

1. Present me with a detailed platform: I want to know what you plan to do for the country if elected. What are your economic and military plans? Do you have any fresh ideas?

2. Convince me that you will be active throughout the entire congressional term: This one is easy. Just play the game often, post articles, make friends etc..

3. Show me that you have eCanada's best interests at heart: Have you fought for eCanadian interests for a long time? Show me that you want what's best for the nation.

Follow these steps and my vote is yours!

What is your price eCanada?

Post below and tell me what you're looking for in congressional candidates.