Congress Elections: 8:06 Update

Day 463, 08:27 Published in Canada Canada by hawkerhunter07
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It is now 8:06 and here are the latest results: / Il est maintenant 8:06 et voici les derniers resultats:

Official Candidates / Candidats Officiels: (26)
- Trenton Rendell (CSD): 22 votes
- Bruck (CEP): 19 votes
- Miloslav (BPQ): 19 votes
- marcchelala (CEP - me/moi): 12 votes
- Manson Tai (CSD): 8 votes
- 1ronman (PPC): 7 votes
- dabman (CSD): 7 votes
- Gofarman (CEP): 6 votes
- RoyMunson (PPC): 6 votes
- Petz (CSD): 5 votes
- werewolff (PPC): 5 votes
- Nokful (CEP): 5 votes
- Cesar Augustus (CCF): 4 votes
- Antio Fontaine (CSD): 4 votes
- Volsung (CEP): 4 votes
- Isac Newton (CSD): 3 votes
- emilio sanchez (CEP): 3 votes
- Zemjla (PPC): 3 votes
- 25Fulcrum (CSD): 3 votes
- Kim Ki Duk (CSD): 3 votes
- Lucan (CSD): 3 votes
- aVie (CEP): 3 votes
- Joey Phillips (PPC): 2 votes
- Sirelandry (CSD): 2 votes
- FloppyNPeppy (PPC): 2 votes
- Jay Bris (CSD): 1 vote

Wildcards: / Jokers: (14)
- Cleomynestra Cathak (CSD): 14 votes
- Alias Vision (PPC): 13 votes
- Inochimizu (CSD): 10 votes
- Mikica (PPC): 7 votes
- Jaffle (BPQ): 6 votes
- Derakor (PPC): 5 votes
- Augustus Baldwin (CEP): 4 votes
- Brettr (CSD): 3 votes
- charlesII (BPQ): 3 votes
- kroggel (CSD): 3 votes
- b-eagle (CCF): 3 votes
- Scorpius (CSD): 2 votes
- vincent chaotic (PPC): 2 votes
- Przemek orfin (PPC): 2 votes

Not Qualifie😛 / Non Qualifies: (20)
- Frederic Frigo (PPC): 2 votes
- Mirahge (CSD): 2 votes
- wesew11 (PPC): 2 votes
- Duke Leto (CSD): 2 votes
- Mustache Dictator (CEP): 1 vote
- Duiveltje (PPC): 1 vote
- Noah Bodee (CEP): 1 vote
- M.H.Aurelius (PPC): 1 vote
- intrepid132 (CSD): 1 vote
- Kondor58 (CSD): 1 vote
- Helos Kreutz (CEP): 1 vote
- chosen of God (CEP): 1 vote
- iExcellent (CEP): 1 vote
- Wiedmaier (CEP): 1 vote
- Typone (CEP): 1 vote
- Frank Black (PPC): 0 vote
- Struck Last May (PPC): 0 vote
- Moo-Mar Kowdaffi (PPC): 0 vote
- Bigmomma (CEP): 0 vote
- Juan Noriega (PPC): 0 vote

It is still 8 in the morning, and we have already 260 votes submitted (23.01% of the population). It seems we will establish a new record today. / Il est encore 8 heures du matin, et nous avons deja un total de 260 votes (23.01% de la population). Il semble que nous allons etablir aujourd'hui un nouveau record.

You can also read Alias Vision's article for additional information

Stay with us for the latest information about the elections. / Restez avec nous pour plus d'informations a propos des elections.

Thank you. / Merci.

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