Day 1,889, 20:18 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Cold Assassin


Hello Brothers.

Congress elections r ahead,a little info for new players who wish to run for election & believe me if u r not up to 5 gold or a medal achievement Task then u will find congress as an interesting job.

The Congress is elected once a month – the elections occur on the 25th of every month. Members can apply from any of the top 5 parties in the country, ranked by the amount of members they have. If you are a member one of the top 5 parties, you can run for election into the Congress – simply register in between the 16th and the 23rd of the month. From there, e Pakistan citizens votes for which party should be senators forward – the party president picks the order in which the senators are elected. For example, if The Democratic Party of Pakistan got enough votes to put forward 2 Congressman, the party president creates a list, and the top two Congressman from the list are elected. From each state that a country holds, 10 Congressman are elected .If e Pakistan holds one state, then a 10 Congressman are elected from the top 5 parties.

Responsibilities of Congressman:

Being a Congressman is an important responsibility. The Congress is an in-game body that votes on proposals. These proposals include forming alliances (also called MPPs), setting the different tax rates and more. Anything about e pakistan that can be changed in-game has to go through the Congress first. Congressman need to be active on the forums, so they can explain their opinion and try to understand other peoples opinion.

key steps in getting elected to the Congress

First Step:

There are several key steps in getting elected to the Congress. First, you have to be a member of one of the five largest parties – all other parties cannot field candidates.

Second Step:

Once you’re in one of the top 5 parties, start getting your name out there – don’t run for the Congress when people don’t know who you are. No-one votes for someone they don’t know! Be active on the forums, and be active on the IRC. Get to know people – read articles, comment on articles and write articles! Take a view on a subject, and stick to it. Just make sure people know you, and know what you stand for.

Third Step:

Then, nominate yourself for election between the 16th and 23rd of the month – click the “Run for Congress” button on your party page. An important point here is to link to an article in your newspaper detailing why people should vote for you, called a presentation. Once this is done, get the word out that you’re now nominated for Congress. When election times come, see if you win or lose – either way, make sure you learn from your mistakes.


Players running for Congress this term..please register yourselves at: