Congress election [Vote order] (Update at 11:57 erep time)

Day 1,131, 11:58 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Zyleris

Hi everybody. 🙂
Congress election is still ongoing. Cautions, two/three PTOers are now qualified in congress election in Peninsular Malaysia

I bring you the latest standing in Peninsular Malaysia congress election.
But first, take note; so far the congress election in Sarawak is going smoothly. So at the moment, don’t vote for the congress members in Sarawak any more. Instead, cast your vote for Peninsular Malaysia to fight against PTOers.

Latest standings in Peninsular Malaysia (11:54 erep time)

Name - vote

Qualified yet
Collinar - 5
Fruitcommando – 5
Hajariyan – 3
Video Jack – 2
seanlam – 2
amer59 – 2
Zyleris – 2
FallenRaiser – 2
(PTOer) mikajlo – 1

Wild card
(PTOer) MilenkoJ – 1
(PTOer/Non-PTOer) PoorBoy – 1

Not qualified yet
Dice Wind - 0
Shyzzzzz - 0
Icy Hydra - 0
BK-201 Hei - 0
(PTOer) Super Vogt – 0

Voting order


But if you can’t hold it, do the following. (eMY in dire situation right now).

Don’t vote for the congress member in Sarawak anymore, they had enough. Please cast your vote in Peninsular Malaysia.

Dont vote for Collinar & Fruitcommando at the moment, they had enough. Cast your vote to other congress candidates to push out PTOers.

Don’t vote for the PTOer. With each PTOers become a congressmember, they can approved 8 of their frens to PTO this nation.

Please vote these candidates in the list below to push out the 3 PTOers into 'not qualified zone':
Hajariyan – 3
Video Jack – 2
seanlam – 2
amer59 – 2
Zyleris – 2
FallenRaiser – 2
Shyzzzzz - 0
BK-201 Hei - 0

For more voting instructions, please go to IRC and consult Fruitcommando
please join

type your desired nickname where it says to, in channels type and then click enter

Once you get here, you will join the eMalaysian official IRC Channel. Once in here, ask an older player or preferably collinar what to do as far as who to vote for.

that's all for now and I hope to see you in IRC

Fruitcommando, if you can, can you give an update in-game media??

Military order

Dont fight in the war at the moment. Let the eSing win the battle for now. I want you to hold your fire for the sake of eMY.

To let eSing take over the region before the congress election decided is vital to protect this nation.

PACMAN, is it possible that you organise military to fight in eSingapore against eMY?

Current cabinets, can you negotiate with eSing to be ready to take over PM?

I don’t want to let PTOers to become congress members even by one!!

Word of advise

We can do this if we work together. I want you all to stop arguments for awhile but to focus all your efforts to make this country PTOer free in this election.

For more information, please visit this forum:

or more directly, this thread (copy the link and paste it on the address bar):