Congress Election Statistics

Day 1,497, 07:41 Published in USA USA by Sir Gulden Draak

Greetings my dear readers, I hope you all had a Merry Christmas. Remember, only 365 days (leap year) until the next Christmas so make sure you get that shopping done early. Because I am a math dork, I have decided to compile some basic statistics on yesterdays congress elections for your viewing pleasure. Keep in mind, sixth party candidates run in many of the top five parties, and they win elections by raising their own support. Therefore, these statistics may be skewed somewhat, but should still provide an accurate representation of where our top five parties currently stand. Thanks for reading, don't forget to vote and sub.

Total number of seats won and percentage won

USWP 28 (51😵
AMP 9 (16😵
NCP 8 (15😵
Feds 7 (13😵
Libs 3 (5😵

Nothing really shocking here, USWP the party with the most members, got the most seats. Feds should have probably performed a little bit better, given the fact that they are the party with the third most members, but got the fourth most seats. Whether you like it or not, it is clear the New Conservative Party is on the rise, so the other parties better take notice. The Libs are still struggling, and in my opinion seem to suffering from a lack of core leadership.

Ratio of congressmen: party member

USWP 1:21
AMP 1:52
NCP 1:43
Feds 1:58
Libs 1:89

This is where the statistics become a little bit more telling. The Libs, Feds, and AMP all suffered from abysmal congressmen😛arty member ratios. It is clear that at the moment, the USWP is light years ahead of all the other parties. Once again, the Libs struggle mightily. Though congress has never been their strong suit, it is clear that the Libs are in need of a strong leader to to right the ship before it sinks.

Average margin of victory in congress races

USWP 5 votes
AMP 11 votes
NCP 8 votes
Feds 6 votes
Libs 3 votes

Here, we can kind of see the reason for the AMP's problems. In the regions that they won, they had a margin of victory of 11 votes, this accounts for almost 100 wasted votes. If they would have spread things around a little more, it is likely they could have won a lot more seats. To me this is a little shocking for a party like the AMP where most members are also military members who are used to following orders. I don't know if it is failed leadership, or certain AMP members hoarding all the military votes, but it is clear something needs to change if they want to compete with the USWP. Good news for the Libs here, in the races they did win the votes where managed well.

My Overall Grades


Way ahead of everyone, party has the most members and seems to be well organized.


This party really seems to be on the rise, they are recruiting well and the members seem to be excited. This has led to the party behaving more like a team than a party.

Feds C

Didn't do great, didn't do bad. Just kind of meh. Not much to say here.


Something is wrong here, whether it be leadership or something else. Despite recruiting well and having an active party they are still way behind.

Libs F

Ummmmmmmm, yeah. Murphy's Law in full effect with this party. They are in desperate need of new leadership, or a new party direction it seems.

Well that is all, keep in mind these are my opinions only so I am sorry if you got butthurt. Be aware, the stats don't lie. Until next time....

Stay thirsty my friends,

Sir Gulden Draak