Congress Candidature! Cookies for Tohoku.

Day 550, 08:04 Published in Japan Japan by Ciacho
Kukki for Tohoku!

Hello! As you can se im a candidate for congress in Tohoku. Most of you propably know me, but there is some fresh blood. So... Here am i!

Who am i and why do i run for congress?
Some of you know me as Kukki from eJapan IRC. Anyway, that's not important. Im not a real Japanese. In fact im "greedy foreigner" from Poland which reads too much manga and watches too much anime xD. In eRep im pure eJapanese. I was "born" here and i live here. For a while i moved to eCanada... That was dumb.
I've been chosen for Congress two times. Always here. Ok, but what do i think about army etc?
Well, I think it's just like Geno want's. It should be gov. founded. Every soldier should have his 5 Q1 guns and ticket always with him. That makes time to deploy somewhere shorter. But that's the point of vief of 99% of community. Isn't it?
Wargames are great. Makes people wellnes and EP go high.
Gov. Companies:

I don't like it. Companies should be owned by normal citizens. OFC there are some exceptions. Like: Gift company (To support citizens with free gifts. That is just great), Hospitals and Def Systems Companies (Well... These can be gov. Founded, but it's not necessary.It's just hard to get money until you hit Q5 and most of citizens will bankrupt... But there are some survivors.)

Hmm... That's all... I think.

Vote for me and get a free cookie! xD