Congress and me...

Day 544, 20:23 Published in USA USA by Larabic

Well It's that time of the month again! No, no, not that...elections for Congress! The United Independents Party (UIP) have been kind enough to allow me to run under their banner from which i have felt at home since day one!

The UIP has done very well as of late in Congress, last time we won 10 seats and showed the the country is waiting for some common sense and proper leadership. I would like to be counted among those to help lead the way while keep spending and taxes in check and to reign in the waste.

I would never call all USWP members bad or evil but i do seem to find my self on opposing sides of many debates with them, Scrabman seems to be an anomaly although his attitude seems to be waning (becoming more dictatorial) in recent days a the last war seemed to be ill planned but i know that shit happens and that everything can't go as planned all the time. For the time being i support him, but am not willing to march off the cliff blindly. But am always willing to listen and consider what they say.

This is what i hope to bring to congress, a common sense and good judgment that Mainers rely on and use to their advantage in all aspects. This belief has guided me to be the owner of two very profitable business and keep many people employed at a decent and fair wage. This has also show me the need to keep eUSA companies competitive and do all i can to support them. I make sure to buy materials only from eUSA companies and owners, trying to do my part. What is a few pennies when i can help out a fellow eAmerican!

As a member of Congress I will support the War games as long as they are good for the country but will speak out about more useful Military actions to move the game forward and keep it a bit more interesting for the average citizen. Also i will work on keeping the taxes lower for US products VS competitors from other countries! Keep our economy strong and active. One day we may have to stand alone we should be ready and able to as soon as we can. Storms are gathering and will be ready and I am ready to do my part... Vote Larabic for Congress!