Congress and maybe a Mister Potato Head

Day 1,007, 20:20 Published in Canada Pakistan by Frodo Tea Baggins

I'll keep it simple since long walls of text can be boring to sit through, so I'm announcing my intention to run in British Columbia. So why vote for me. Honestly, reliability and hard work. I'm more of a doer than a speaker and work for those that want me, to the best of my abilities.

As a member of the CPF board, CPF forum admin it shows how working for people in Canada really works. If you put in the time to represent those that elect you it is worthwhile to be there.

The basics condensed. To protect our economy and people is of course the number one priority. I'm a company owner myself and I enjoy being able to pay Canadians high wages. Hand in hand with that goes supporting our war efforts, our own, those of our bros and those of EDEN. War causes consumption, consumption causes demand, demand makes sales, sales make jobs. The best part is anyone can help in these endeavors, I myself made the trek to Croatia to support in the election ATO, which shows how anyone can participate even if they aren't an all-star fighter.

I'll cut this short before I actually do write a wall of text, although I think I promised a Mister Potato head, vote Aeriala in BC.