Congratulations Romanian Ptoers. [updated]

Day 1,619, 02:26 Published in Singapore Singapore by Boethiah

Not only did you manage to get Singapore wiped and not get it back, something which I don't think any other government of Singapore has managed to do in the three long years Singapore has existed, you managed to actually get Singapore to not have congressional elections this month.

Next I find it amusing that you have in your possession my personal project that I started from near scratch and haven't done anything with it, no rubbing it in my face, changing it to Boethiah is a traitor.....weak.

Finally here's a selection of the best comments from our esteemed government.

"Great, what's next, another pathetic real life personal consideration of a traitor, or a kinky movie? "

What? that makes no sense.

"Now salute me. Cha-Cha!"
Cha-cha-cha? I have no idea what that means either.

"say "hello" to Liz, I bet that she`s great ; ) "

Wait, was that meant to be insulting? Cos yes not only is she great she's amazing.

the perfect case study for a mental disorder called exquibitionism
that sir, is neither a mental disorder, nor a word.

Please dont let the cat eat you😉

Ok, what cat and why will it eat me?

All these articles make you look as weak as old ladies which are not able to move their arms and legs but only their tongue.

I included this one as it was nearly half way decent, but still pretty non-nonsensical. As the ptoers look pretty useless too right now.

they only consider the racial criteria, the color of skin , is just a matter of extreme nationalism, xenophobia and racism. In one wor😛 fascism!
eSingapore that racist ecountry full of Singaporeans, Malaysians, Americans, Swedish, English, Irish, Scottish, Romanians, Finnish, Indonesians,Chinese. Damn, yeah, we hated nearly everyone.

Insanity, your name is Boethiah... By the way, in RL you are Napoleon, Duke of Wellington and Iulius Caesar, isn't it?

I'm not sure if this was meant to be insulting or if he thought I was a great military leader in r/l.

I'm missing Arca7, chew chew shoe and American Border Collie. Those were patriots!

Yeah I know this, me too, its so cool how you can namedrop my friends. I was the one who supported Chewie's run for president under my party. And ABC is friends with Liz. so I'm not sure what calling them patriots is going to achieve? I mean, I agree.............

gbr_blue Day 1,619, 03:19

Hello Lizzy!

bchon Day 1,619, 03:20

Hello Lizzy!

Cronoss Day 1,619, 03:21

Heeeey Lizzie ! You are AWESOME!

P.S. I love you😛

Zmau Day 1,619, 03:23

Hello Lizzy!

Alin-Daniel Day 1,619, 03:23

Hello Lizzy!

It seems spamming my articles with saying hello to my fiancee is the best they got. I'm not sure if I'm meant to be offended? Annoyed? Is this what passes as trolling in eRomania?

ps: if you do have a fiance called Lizzy, maybe you should spend more time to her instead of writing cheap nationalistic nazi articles (you might lose her)

yes I'm sure the 7 times congresswoman and e😜resident vice-president etc of Singapore is going to leave me cos I said nasty things to ptoers.
And calling someone who's homeland you took over in a military coup and then invaded their neighbours a nazi, I can see how that makes a ton of sense. And yes I'm nationalistic in game, what of it?

I'm glad we have such smart human beings in charge.

Keep up the good work.
