Congratulations PEACE!!!

Day 714, 04:37 Published in Romania Singapore by Morphine

Desi fac parte dintr-o unitate a armatei Romane, parte a EDEN, am scris acest mic articol in semn de recunostinta pentru tarile PEACE, si leaderii unor tari ca Ungaria, Rusia, Serbia etc.



Cu siguranta ofensiva pornita in ziua 713 a mai inviorat atmosfera in eWorld, a dus la cresterea preturilor produselor, si deci la un profit mai frumos pentru companiile de oriunde, a mai trezit cativa din dinozaurii care stateau in adormire, s-au dat bani pe arme, s-au mobilizat oameni, s-au aparat cu succes regiuni, s-a si pierdut... Nerabdarea si emotiile finalurilor de batalie au fost iara simtite peste tot aproape!
Una peste alta, s-a confirmat faptul ca PEACE sta bine la capitolul financiar, si EDEN sta bine la capitolul organizare si mobilizare in astfel de situatii!
Multumesc inca o data PEACE pentru ca joaca acest joc asa cum trebuie sa fie jucat!
May the best one win!!!

Although I am a member of the Romanian army,I am writing this article as a sign of gratitude for PEACE countries and the leaders of countries such as Hungary,Russia,Serbia etc. Certainly the offensive that started on day 713 had animated the atmosphere in the eWorld, increasing product prices and profits as well. Some of the sleeping dinosaurs aroused , money were spent resulting in the successfully defense of almost all regions whilst the others have won one region... Almost everywhere, people were looking towards battle ends emotions.
All in all, it was confirmed that PEACE looks good financially speaking, and EDEN looks good in organizing and mobilizing the defense!
Once more.... thank you PEACE for playing the game the way it is supposed to be!
May the best one win!!!

PS: Acei "strategi" care se simt ofensati de text sau de poze, pot considera articolul ca un pamflet, daca asa se vor simti mai bine!