Congratulations Japan!

Day 749, 10:24 Published in USA USA by Zanmor

This is a reply to the tremendous response, positive, negative and otherwise, from my previous article.

First, I’d like to thank those who expressed their respect, no matter what their nationality, but especially the Japanese and fellow Americans with whom I stand in solidarity. I appreciate all the comments and PMs and trackbacks, even from those with less enjoyable things to say.

I am grateful even a few were able to air their grievances with my actions without resorting to name calling and personal attacks. Concerning the often hateful but more reasonable and expected accusations of traitor, I tendered my resignation with my CO. That is all the military can ask of me. Had I known this attack was coming I would not have joined in the first place. I thoroughly enjoyed my training and desire to help my nation, but as stated could not attack Japan in good conscience.

Some offered that I should not have fought. I considered this as there were other places open for combat. Ultimately it still wasn’t what seemed right to me. The benefits and obligations to fight in Kyushu far outweighed those of any other regions. We are first and foremost citizens of the eWorld, not any single country. We should never have qualms about doing what is truly right. While eAmerica tarnishes its name with the good people of eJapan and other small nations, I have only gained friends, both in the eUSA and across the globe. I have lost some, certainly, but that is the cost of honor. I fought for Japan in Kyushu precisely because it was MY nation that was perpetrating this untenable act.

And for those who expressed a desire to have me leave the country: I’ll do so whenever I can to help those who are on the right side of any such action as this. And I’ll be right back to try to improve my America, my one and only home. Dissent is not unpatriotic. The blind and hateful rhetoric a few spout is.

Some said, “This is just a game,” and, “This is a game. We're playing to win.

This is the worst thing anyone could say. It shows an incredible lack of foresight and understanding, akin to what nearly got us wiped off the map so many months ago. When you say this is just a game any action becomes justifiable. There is no reason to maintain alliances beyond their usefulness to us and no reason to maintain our doctrine of liberating peaceful nations, promoting freedom and fighting oppression. Moving on Kyushu against the wishes of the Japanese politicians and people is only the first step towards an eAmerica that doesn’t do those noble things mentioned above. It is the first step in the wrong direction.

Concerning the second quote, when do we win? This is a game that doesn’t end. The consequences of our actions today will be felt long down the road. Short of the eRepublik team deciding they no longer want to make the game available it will go on. There is no winning. The way we play determines who we have for friends and how much we must fear our borders being breached and our country occupied by foreign powers. In the short term securing those high iron regions provides protection from PHOENIX. In the long term it is apparent that the imperialists will not go away anytime soon and we cast a long shadow today that we won’t soon outrun.

Furthermore many claim there is no place for morality in this game, only good game play. I believe that morally backed game play is the best game play. And we recognize this, even our administration recognizes this when they stand in defense of allies and small defending nations. It is a pity that in this instance calls for practicality and pragmatism won out over the nobility we are capable of.

Japan are the ones who hate freedom, as they wouldn't agree to the land swap.

As is their right to do. The doublethink involved in this statement is incredible. If there’s one point that must be made it is that, should diplomacy not work out, you cannot start wantonly pointing your guns just because you can. I’ve seen far too many who happily point out Indonesia’s malicious tactics as justification for our own. There is none.

You did not suffer under true imperialism like many of us older players.

I joined eRepublik in Ohio when Ohio was in Russian hands. I had to figure out what the hell was going on with all these Russian articles in my news feed. The second it was liberated I was greeted warmly and moved to Florida to continue fighting against the PEACE occupation. I cannot claim to have suffered in the same way, though I was born into it. I understand a desire for vengeance, some even direct that against Japan despite the government maintaining that is in no way the intent of this little foray. Again, that does not justify invading the Japanese against their will. Nor does an eventual liberation make short term occupation of a neutral party reasonable or right. This is a hostile and immoral war.


Of all the objectors to my take on this matter, only two were reasonable enough to ask for alternatives. I do not pretend that we should open up MPPs with Russia and seek to go through in that manner. Many exclaim that our allies have endured occupation for far too long. There is no doubt this is true. I would ask that they be patient and endure longer, rather than cast aside honor. Still, the administration and their supporters will claim this is not a true alternative. But then, for them, there is NO alternative to Kyushu. It is apparent that they would not accept it when Japan refused them and they damned well won’t accept it after the fact.

The forces that make up PEACE and now PHEONIX have shown time and time again that they will make mistakes. Most recently, the eUK captured a region bordering our bros in Canada, allowing their romp in the eastern US to come to a stop. I maintain that the high ground is not easy. Others admit this when they note the advantage of the high iron regions under occupation. Again, our enemies have shown they will falter, they will make a mistake. It is then that we should jump on them. We should not shame our image on the world stage with such bullying and nearsighted policy.

The alternative is an honorable and noble nation. Even in the face of annihilation--a complaint leveled against the Japanese, that they weren’t adamant enough in their opposition to Indonesia--even in the face of annihilation at the hands of Russian MPPs we can show our true greatness. Of course, much like Japanese politicians back then concerning Indonesia, ours have shied away from Russian MPPs in favor of what was easier. I can only hope they meet a similar fate.

The alternative is an eUSA that is a Righteous Nation, with Righteous Politicians. Ours currently have the best of intentions (I hope) but the worst of policy and execution. When this is the case it is up to individuals to seek the change they wish to see in the world. That’s what this is.