Condolences to United eNorway.

Day 392, 15:53 Published in Norway Norway by Salve

In the aftermath of the kartal61 election scandal, I've been watching many dedicated United eNorway members jumping ship and joining other Norwegian parties. Quite a few have sceptically joined my own party as well. Most of these members have spent several months dedicating themselves to the politics of the former Binary Party, only to have their hard work and dedication ruined by the crass actions of the goon, kartal61. As I watch, I see more and more former BP members trying to salvage the little dignity that kartal61 has afforded them, and attempt to carry on some semblance of the spirit that once existed in the Binary Party.

I cannot help but see this and reflect on the trials that have faced this country for the last several months. It is hard to say that there could possibly be many left within our borders that have not experienced some sort of loss recently. Whether it be the loss of your home (as has been the case with the Finns and the Russians), the loss of our government (as was the case with the Norwegians), the loss of your business in the not so long ago depression, or the loss of many of our friends succumbing to V1 fever. Through all of this though, we have remained undaunted, and resolute to improve our conditions, no matter what hardships we faced.

I would like to extend my condolences to all of those who feel that they have lost the work they have put into United eNorway. I also want to welcome all of those who have joined the Golden Party. When I first took office in GP, I ran on the platform of uniting the parties of Norway, and bringing cooperation back to our empire. Now it seems, after my retirement as party president, that this has actually begun to come true, and it makes me very proud of my countrymen, what we have accomplished, and what we will accomplish in the future.

To anyone who has joined our ranks, feel free to join our forums at and send either Party President Kir, or myself a PM and we will give you access to our internal forums as soon as possible. While this move for many of you will likely not be permanent, we welcome you with open arms until the time that your own party has purged itself of the scum who has driven you out, and you decide it is time to return.

Former Party President of the Golden Party