Condemnation of the Spanish Aggression

Day 744, 07:42 Published in Canada Switzerland by HuCard

My feelings when I get home today to see Spain attacking France were a mixture of unpleasant surprise, disappointment, and a bit of anger. This assault cannot be described as anything but downright foolish in every regard.

For once, the attack is completely unjustified. Even if Spain holds an understandable grudge against France since her occupation by her in World War III, France has behaved very well in the time since the cessation of hostilities. She did not actively partake in any of the later attacks by PEACE GC and later ex-PEACE states, successfully sought reconciliation with the USA and Canada, and supported Malaysia against Indonesia, which back then was still part of her own alliance. To strike such a re-established nation having show goodwill and renewed trustworthiness completely out of the blue and without any preceding provocation is simply a wholly erroneous move and one which ought to be globally condemned.

But not only does this war hurt Spain's image and of course France herself, it will also be a nasty stain on alliance politics. For once, EDEN has lost its innocence. While there have already been a few rather questionable moves such as a few EDEN states PTOing other ones or Poland half-heartedly attacking Lithuania, none of them has been this blatantly ill-spirited as this one, which will taint the entire alliance's image.
On the other hand, after the departure of its most aggressive and imperialist states such as Hungary or Iran, the small rest of PEACE GC has ceased to be a threat. It became an alliance of smaller, and with the exception of the United Kingdom overall more or less agreeable countries with whom it might have been worth negotiating to finally come to a peaceful solution and to cease inter-alliance hostilities. Having one of our members this unjustly attack one of theirs will undoubtedly ruin any process we have made or would have been able to make in the future.

Lastly, France, in her search of strong allies, might fall back into the sphere of influence of PEACE GC's old war machines such as Hungary or Serbia, which would merely strengthen these unholy bonds again after they had been decaying for a good while now and in the worst case eventually lead to the rise of a new warmongering alliance.

As the ever-just mediator, I think it is Canada's duty to try and restrain the damage of Spain's stupidity. I'm well aware that they're our allies who need to be cared for, and I am not ignorant enough to suggest an expedition of the CAF on France's side knowing how poisonous this would be for our relations to Spain and EDEN as a whole, but I demand that we as a nation vocally condemn this nonsensical and in every way destructive aggression and that we aid France in other ways (economic and rhetorical) as well as we can; for the sake of a nation which has shown to be able to better its ways, one we share a language with, and one who which finds itself in undeserved peril!