Competency & Transparency - Why You Should Elect Me - 25th January

Day 2,251, 11:27 Published in Pakistan United Kingdom by FightAndProduce

I know it's early for congress elections, but I want to make my point clear...

Congress is stupid, that is just a fact of life. It's not just in Pakistan, it's everywhere. It's ironic that countries of thousands of citizens can't even select 40 competent people to make decisions on the behalf of their country.

EDIT - Certain people would like to remind you that not all countries have bad congress. Whatever they want to believe 🙂.

It seems to be full of incompetent people who just seem to get in because their PP likes them, or they need to fill the positions, or they want gold. Because it's all about the congress seats! But I'm here to actually do my job. That's what I want to do as a congress member. To make PROPER DECISIONS BASED ON LOGIC AND CURRENT EVENTS!!!!

Yes, it's so scandalous. But I actually want to do a good job at congress. I want to make the correct decisions, and I want to make sure the Pakistani public know what I'm doing in congress. SHOCK HORROR! I'll be actually publishing weekly articles on what decisions I made and why, so YOU (YES YOU!) can hold me to account when I'm in congress. I'm not here for party politics, I couldn't care less. I don't care which party you're from. I'm meant to serve you and the country as a whole, so that is what I shall do, and what will I do with my 5 gold? Well I'd convert it into cc and buy as much food or Q7s as possible. Then I'd give them away to Pakistani citizens. YOU KNOW WHY!? Because I work for Pakistan, you deserve it! If I can give my paltry 5 gold and help people hit influence for our beloved nation or to give them some energy for training or for production then that's what I'll do!

You know what? I couldn't care less even if my PP doesn't choose me, or if I don't get elected, because whether I'm in congress or whether I'm not in congress. I'll be doing what I can to help Pakistan, whether it is to push the wall in battle, or to buy Pakistani products on the market. It's the least I can do for the citizens of this country.

Thank you all for reading, I appreciate you giving the time to read this.

(Also, for all of you who may doubt that I have past experience, I have been in congress four times before :3)