Companies for Sale - A Breakdown

Day 1,307, 15:24 Published in USA USA by Chae Dee

On my last article, the flooding of companies on the market at the moment was brought up which got me thinking about something someone asked me about a month or two ago. Someone new to eRepub asked me about buying companies and how would they know if it's better to buy or build upon their own. It's not complicated to figure out, though I'll try not to ramble on too much today.

Buying Factories

Factories and Weapons both increase the same way. Let's look at the food factory prices today:

Quality | Price

Q1 | 9 gold
Q2 | 27 gold
Q3 | 72 gold
Q4 | 162 gold
Q5 | 342 gold

If you had spent your own gold in upgrading rather than buying, the pricing looks a little different. Check out the Q4 and Q5 range if you will:

Quality | Price | Total Gold Spent

Q1 | 10 gold | 10 gold
Q2 | 20 gold | 30 gold
Q3 | 50 gold | 80 gold
Q4 | 100 gold | 180 gold
Q5 | 200 gold | 380 gold

That means that you will save 18 gold by buying a Q4 and 38 gold by buying a Q5 rather than upgrading what you have.

In the end, I also find it easier to sell what I have as I buy also. Depending on the market, it may take a long time to sell so the choice is yours. Still, think of it like selling your Q3 for 72 gold you only have to save up 90 more gold to buy a Q4 rather than saving up 100 gold to upgrade your Q1.

Tomorrow I will write more about the Raw Material factories and circle back around to how that applies to the company production. I hope this helps someone out there understand a little more and save a little gold.