Community Update

Day 1,156, 15:52 Published in Ireland Ireland by The Irish Community
eIrish Lottery
There was one winner of tonight’s eIrish Lottery. The first ball out of the drum was 44 and Dan Murchadh walks away with a jackpot of 360iep for a 25iep stake. Congrats Dan! Again, thank you to Dubhthaigh who gave 150iep towards the jackpot.

There was a much stronger response to the eAnagrams puzzle this month, maybe they were easier or you’re getting better at them with practice? Or maybe somebody shouted out some of the answers in the comments section! Anyway, here’s the solutions:

Opera News ..... Sean Power
73661057 ..... 05637716
It’s A Scurvy Dot ..... Octavius Dryst
A Mail Run ..... Luminara
Enough Oil ..... Lougheoin

The unfeasibly intelligent, Kavrocks, was first in with five correct answers and wins a Q2 house for his efforts. Hot on his heels were Eisenhamster, John Gormley, Luminara, Mirek12345 and Anthony Colby, who all managed to get the five right and each win a Q1 house. Reasonable attempts were made by Chris Cuthbertson, Sean Lynch, and Stark Hater who all win a food & weapons hamper for having a go.

The Irish Community Fatwa
The little known, but deadly unit of Irish Community Ninjas has been unleashed to hunt down and neutralise Mirek12345 and Stark Hater for the heinous crime of leaking solutions to the eAnagrams. That is all.

Erepublik Browser Quiz
You’ll find all the answers to this quiz simply by browsing around the game. Please PM your answers to this Org. Lots of hampers in The Irish Community store to give away.

What is the eighth most populated country in eRepublik?
Who is the Party President of the Irish Workers Party?
Who won the eCanadian Presidential election in January 2010
What is the unit of currency in eSlovakia
What is the eIrish VAT rate on Moving Tickets?
What is the military rank just above Major***?
What is the maximum Health per day that can be recovered by consuming food?
Who is the General Manager of Solidarity Wolves Oil?
What resource is to be found in Chimor?
How many Battle Hero medals have been won by Yddub Emwolb?

Bonus Question
Name the high-ranking Phoenix official who once said that the map of eIreland looked like a “Brandenburg Cake”?

The Irish Community would like to say a big thank you to the eIrelanders who made donations large and small to this Org recently. Thanks guys!

Take a bow:
Yddub Emwolb

The next Community article will be out in a couple of days when the eIreland Community Awards shortlist will be announced.

Please vote & sub this article and friend this Org

James Keiller