Community Matters

Day 1,600, 04:11 Published in Ireland Ireland by The Irish Community

This is a Referendum for Irish Citizens to determine whether Ireland will Stay in EDEN or Leave EDEN.

Any decision to either join or leave an alliance is a huge step for any country and should not be taken lightly.

What has brought us to the stage where we hold a referendum on our alliance membership?

For the past number of months our alliance(EDEN) has been destabilised by the arrival of Turkey and the departure of Bulgaria. For many people in Ireland, Bulgaria was counted as one of our best allies and brothers. Bulgaria did not want Turkey in EDEN as they considered them as an enemy. Turkey had in highly controversial fashion been granted a 1 month trial, which was a status that no other country had ever been granted in EDEN. We supported Bulgaria at summits in every way we could throughout all the bitter disputes between themselves and EDEN HQ. Ireland faced a lot of criticism as this situation worsened and eventually came to a head with the removal of the Supreme Commander of EDEN at the time, a vote to end Turkey's status as a trial member, the overturning of that vote the next day and then the departure of Bulgaria from the alliance. Many once friendly faces began making negative and insulting comments in the Irish media because of our support for Bulgaria which exacerbated the situation and led to a feeling of disconnect between Ireland and the rest of the alliance. Last month some(a very small percentage of) citizens from Turkey and Greece fought against Ireland in battles. Some Irish citizens retaliated and fought against Turkey and Greece in battles. This has not happened again since then, however a certain level of disconnect from the alliance has remained for Ireland and led Ireland to question whether it supports the direction that EDEN is now going in.

What was Ireland's position in EDEN before this?

Ireland has been full members of EDEN for over a year and trial members for 6 months before that. Ireland stayed loyal to EDEN throughout good and bad and remained proud members of the alliance in the name of brotherhood. During the 6 month trial Ireland worked very hard for the alliance. Ireland had for a long long time been a pro-EDEN country and had always co-operated in any possible way to help EDEN. Deep friendships with Croatia, Canada and USA made EDEN the natural choice for Ireland. Ireland's loyalty was repaid many times over by our brothers in EDEN on our battlefields. We held an equal status to every other member and due to the active leaders of our country held influence in the alliance beyond anything that a country as small as ours would usually manage to attain. All of our victories and defeats, triumphs and failures happened shoulder to shoulder with friends in EDEN. Our longest standing ally Croatia(EDEN members) time and time again have shown up to fight for Ireland when it was needed the most. In Ireland's time in EDEN and for a long time before that in the Brolliance, the e-Canadian(EDEN) community and the e-Irish community have for a long time mixed with each other and co-operated more closely than possibly any other 2 nations in the game. After Ireland joined EDEN as full members good relations were fostered with countries like Bulgaria(ex-EDEN) and later Greece(EDEN) which led to Ireland bedding into the alliance and becoming an example of what could be achieved when the true spirit of Brotherhood is respected.

What happens if we stay in EDEN?

If Ireland stays in EDEN we will remain as full members with all the rights we have always had there. We would more than likely not be able to sustain our MPP with our friends in Bulgaria for much longer. We could possibly stay on respectful terms with Bulgaria. We could possibly try to change the things that we believe are wrong with the alliance and help restore a sense of brotherhood and decency(something Ireland has always tried to protect) as this is something that has undoubtedly been undermined recently. However if these issues are not addressed then the disillusionment that Ireland has had with the attitudes in EDEN will more than likely remain if not get worse.

What happens if we leave EDEN?

If Ireland leaves EDEN then our future becomes rather uncertain. There would probably be other opportunities for us due to our friendship with Bulgaria with a possible new alliance being formed including Ireland. However, as has already been proven by the MPPs that Bulgaria now has, we could be in a position where we would need to sign MPPs with ONE nations. We would likely be welcomed as a new ally by most of these nations. This would mean leaving all our old friends behind and destroying relations and creating hostilities with long standing friends such as Croatia, Canada and USA with the latter 2 of those being nations we border. There may also be other options such as neutrality but this would probably weaken our position on the world stage.

Can we stay allied to both EDEN and Bulgaria?

Very unlikely. eRepublik is a bi-polar game. For all intents and purposes there are only 2 sides. Ireland either has to be on one side or the other, or else choose neutrality.

Ireland is currently allied to EDEN and Terra who form one side.

On the other side is ONE and other smaller alliances such as ABC and EPIC.

If Ireland leave EDEN, a new alliance that would include Bulgaria and Ireland would also likely be on the side of ONE, ABC and EPIC.

Rules for Voting

- Only Votes from Irish Citizens of at least a Level of 24 will be counted.
- Votes must be sent to the Community Org via Private Message.
- Voting will last for a period of 48 hours from the release time of this article. Any votes submitted after _____ will not be counted.

Title of your Private Message should be "Referendum" and the only text in your message should be either-

Stay in EDEN


Leave EDEN

Votes will be counted by Ministers of Community, James Keiller and Patrick O'Leary.

Make sure to use your vote on this very important matter.

Working Together

Patrick O’Leary and James Keiller are pleased to announce that we are settling in here at the Ministry of Community. Whatever happens, this is a place where all friends of eIreland are welcome and valued. Patrick is ICA, James is Dark Libertad. If we can get on, it will serve as an example to you all. If we bring the whole thing down in a spectacular bitchfight, at least you will be entertained.

Many thanks to our immediate predecessor, Tibulus for doing a fine job and for leaving us with enough resources to refurbish the Ministerial Suite in a manner befitting our status.

The Ministerial Conveniences in its former glory

It will be a massive project. Gone are the gold plated taps and terrazzo floors from DerBrad’s time. When Viktor Kurgan became Lord of Chaos, he completely neglected his duties as MoC Head of Security (Toilets), and all the good stuff disappeared piece by piece. Around this time there was a mysterious outbreak of bladder trouble in the ICA and they were forever dropping in to use the loo. Gone too are the cheap Mexican floor tiles that Antonio (Tony Bagels) Colbiano had imported when he went South of the Border as a fugitive from the State of Nevada.

No more thieving here. These guys are killers.

The first thing we want to do is re-start the Community Awards. We haven’t seen them in a while, which may not have been a bad thing. Maybe that event needed a break. Our suggestion is that the Community Awards run every quarter as opposed to every month. Get your thinking caps on and we’ll start the nominations process very soon.

We intend to run a very active Department this month. Loads of the usual quizzes, lotteries, puzzles and more. Please vote and sub all the MoC articles as they appear and give them a shout. It’s your Community.

Patrick O’Leary
James Keiller