Community awards and haxball

Day 1,716, 16:50 Published in Ireland Ireland by The Irish Community

So it’s coming to the end of another term and unfortunately pitja has been extremely busy this month in real life so although MoC was not extremely active, real life always comes first and I would like to thank him for his work. 🙂

For the last few days I (Bean&teddy) will be helping to run the MoC and I would like to announce the start of the official MoC haxball tournament (which will join onto my private leauge for those of you wondering) and the revamping of the Irish Community Awards. A sections in the past that I truly enjoyed in recent MoC’s.

We will start with the community awards:

Voting for nominees will take place over the next 24 hours and then I will have an article out everyday for the last few days of the the term. the players with the top five votes from each category will be elected as nominees.

After the nominees have been decided there will be a 24 hour voting period for the winners of each category and each winner will receive 1g. So without further ado here are the positions:

1.Most trusted politician

2.Hardest working politician

3.Most acclaimed publisher

4.article of the month

5.eIrish soldier of the month

6.Best general manager (PP/commander etc.)

7.Newcomer to watch

8.friend of ireland

9.eIrish comedian of the month

10.eIrish citizen of the month (Irelander of the month)

Please send your votes by pm here and your voting card 😉


Now onto haxball.

You can read full details here
At the bottom of your voting card you will see a yes/no for haxball. If you thick yes you will be put into a team or if you already have one you can state that. 🙂

It is free with lots of awesome prizes. Most people are new to the game so even if you have never played before please sign up as it will be fun and you might meet some new people.

PS: I am in a few of the CP’s cabinets for next month’s MoC so hopefully I will be able to continue this and bring in some other sports too but if not I will host it privately so don’t worry it WILL Happen.




Haxball yes/no

